Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 120


No.36244040 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is it?
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Dazzle Thread #261

No.31324922 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Troublemaker edition

All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!
Story Pastebin/Archived Threads:
Art Compilation:
For aspiring writers:
Steam group:
Old Shattered Gem:
514 posts and 235 images omitted

/mlp/ rewatch stream S5E9+10

No.36624152 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This week's episodes are "Slice of Life" (Written by M.A Larson) and "Princess Spike" (Written by Neal Dusedau), originally aired 13th and 20th June 2015.
Find the stream link and countdown here: (4chan seems to be flagging derpy me now)
Please post any emote or fan video suggestions here in the thread.
I probably won't do this every stream but considering the last few days have been a little chaotic, and this week's episodes are less than stellar, I was thinking of playing a S1/2 episode again later in the stream. If you have any requests for which episode let me know
759 posts and 301 images omitted

Mares With Flares #19 - Artpack Arrival Edition

No.37110045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>36956596
This is a thread about mutual sexy times involving herm pones.
Please try to keep posting of extreme fetishes to a minimum, especially so for /d/-tier fetishes, and at least tolerate others' differences in taste.

Ponebin links for previous greens:
3 posts and 1 image omitted

!pL3BUHlb1A No.1582639 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the official Fluffy Pony thread.
You can't stop it. The suffering never ends.

If there's another thread, redirect them.

ITT: We write stories about killing small fluffy animals and crack wise.

>inb4 Francis
>inb4 river of shit
>inb4 adopted our own Fluffy Ponies
>inb4 butthurt sagefag
>inb4 jollyhurt anon
>inb4 unwarranted developments in headcanon
>inb4 reposts
>all systems nominal
>brace for faggotry
329 posts and 51 images omitted

Pony Preservation Project (Thread 84)

No.37066366 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TwAIlight welcomes you to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

This project is the first part of the "Pony Preservation Project" dealing with the voice.
It's dedicated to saving our beloved pony's voices by creating a neural network based Text To Speech for our favorite ponies.
Videos such as or have proven that we now have the technology to generate convincing voices using machine learning algorithms "trained" on nothing but clean audio clips.
With roughly 10 seasons (9 seasons and 5 movies) worth of voice lines available, we have more than enough material to apply this tech for our deviant needs.

Any anon is free to join, and many are already contributing. Just read the guide to learn how you can help bring on the wAIfu revolution. Whatever your technical level, you can help.

We now have a working TwAIlight that any Anon can play with: (48KHz Training) (48KHz Synthesis) (Ngrok Synthesis) (Guide)

>Active Tasks
Cookie is working on controllable speech
Research into animation AI
Research into pony image generation

>Latest Developments
Clipper sorts animation files (
Clipper looking for AI skit ideas (
HIFI-GAN test notebook (>>36597481)
Clipper collecting sound effects from show (>>36723767)
BFDIAnon modifies Cookie's ngrok to have emotional control (>>36724150)
New DeltaVox (>>36812261)
Start prepping for /mlp/con panel (>>36922769)
Training notebook for HiFi-GAN (>>36874641)
New guides and notebooks for training/exporting models for DeltaVox RS (>>36898031)
Clipper voice dataset (>>36901235)
Clipper added to the HiFi-GAN notebook (>>36905521)
Animation update (>>36928823 >>36933351)
Train your own CLIP model (>>36930047)
GPT-2 model released (>>36930714)
Audacity controversy (>>36965041)
Animation script finished (>>37003821)
New audacity to TacoTron training text tool (>>37025693)
15 makes updates to test site
TalkNet as a potential replacement for TacoTron (>>37040781)
Latest Synthbot progress report (>>37050578 >>37054734)
Latest Cookie progress report (>>36829703)
Latest Clipper progress report (>>36804225)

>Voice samples

>Clipper Anon's Master File 2.0:!L952DI4Q!nibaVrvxbwgCgXMlPHVnVw

>Synthbot's Torrent Resources

>Cool, where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project!?
You're looking at it.

Last Thread:
513 posts and 99 images omitted

No.35282181 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All she wanted...was to be loved.
238 posts and 46 images omitted

No.37002276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This hot mare's got me questioning whether to pick up the violin or the cello
68 posts and 29 images omitted

Sunset Won: The Darkest Timeline. A CYOA Adventure.

!!PpzwDg6BUyF No.36901444 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We all know how it should've happened, Sunset Shimmer was supposed to be defeated by the elements of Harmony. She was supposed to be reformed. And to learn the value of friendship, becoming not just someone who learned about friendship, but taught it to others. The shining seraphim of hope.

But things... Don't always happen as they should. As the light of friendship on that night failed. And Sunset defeated Twilight and her friends. With her teenage army, she stormed the capital, and brought an end to Celestia's 1000 year reign. Equestria become a scorched and burning hellscape. With a Demonic Alicorn Ruler.

You're brought before Sunset Shimmer in her Alicorn form. Her throne room a burning hellish red. Flags of her cutie mark are adorned from pillars above. Fire burns near the walls from the ground below. And towards the back is Sunsets throne. A demonic red seat which sits high above everything else. Before you now is Sunset. You witness her beautiful Shimmering mane of fire swaying elegantly in the throne room. She grins.
"Now Anon, you must choose. Serve me forever. Or stand for the pathetic friendship of the so called "friends" behind you."
Twilight and the other 5 are in chains behind you beaten and bedraggled. With two tall towering demon guards of hers standing next to them, Twilight calls out,
"Don't listen to her Anon! Fight her!"

Sunset places her hoof under your chin gently grinning smugly. Her voice is sweet and seductive, but also demonic and echos a bit as it tickles your ear,
"No! The only one you should listen to is me Anon! I can make you a demon as well. I'll give you power... You're smart, so you can be my advisor, and help me conquer the rest of Equestria."

You softly mutter,

Sunset grins,
"That's right. More power than they ever could! We'll rule together forever! It's your choice Anon, be my precious servant, or be led away to the dungeons to rot with those pathetic friends of yours!"


1) "I'll never serve you Sunset, I believe in the magic of friendship, you may have conquered some of Equestria, but you'll never have all of it, not as long as light and goodness still exists!"

2) "I will serve you. Make me your advisor and I swear my undying loyalty to you. Let us conquer this place together. And let every generation know the power and glory of your name. That Sunset Shimmer is the true ruler of Equestria!"
265 posts and 31 images omitted

Hypnosis Thread

No.37043446 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A thread for the discussion of (and helping with) pony self-hypnosis!
Anyone can get hypno to work with a little time, practice and comfort, so come and give it a try or share your experiences!
Also for the discussion of all other things hypno related: stories, images, audio files, etc.

Hypno resources
Vairaki files:
Hypno friend files:

Pony Hypno Simulator 4.0 (Credit to Vindyldraw)

Previous Thread: >>36972767
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