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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 121

No.36892581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Replying to criticism that My Little Pony is "junk" while Star Wars stems from "integrity and creative vision", cartoonist Craig McCracken noted that both franchises can have integrity or be junk, depending on how they're produced.
>"When I was a kid I spent a lot of time playing with the artistically rooted pieces of junk that George was selling me. My wife Lauren did the same the only difference was her junk was pink and had combable hair. Either way these toys were far from junk, in fact they were our lives. Everyday we would make up characters, worlds, and adventures for them. Lauren's My Little Pony world was no less valid than My Little Star Wars world."
>"So imagine little Lauren's surprise when she heard there was going to be a cartoon of her favorite toy! Imagine her disappointment when the cartoon didn't live up to the world she had created in her head. Maybe she wouldn't have been so upset if she realized that cartoon was only bad because it was produced by a bunch of dudes who couldn't believe they were working on My Little Pony, uggggh. Imagine if they let HER make it, she knows why girls like Pony, she knows what will make it fun and cool."
>"Now imagine 30 years later in some crazy cosmic coincidence she actually does get a get a chance to finally bring that world she's had in her head since she was a little kid to life! Maybe just maybe if she can traverse the waters of notes, schedules, and executives she can finally inject a little a artistic integrity and creative vision into it and make a MLP that girls will actually really like."
>"Heck I even like it now and I hated that lame Pony junk, it wasn't cool like my Star Wars junk."
Based Kraken seeing the future one year before Disney would buy Star Wars and run it into the ground. Now here we are ten years later and both franchises have been junked (or re-junked) through a lack of artistic integrity.
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Hootershy Thread

No.36745202 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post Fluttershy with big tits or any greens to summon Betanon to finish his own damn green.

>Bet's green
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No.36801627 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Green men are required to put these on in Equestria at threat of imprisonment, and deportation upon multiple repeat offenses.

Appeals may be considered to any of the 4 reigning Princesses at their discretion.
140 posts and 25 images omitted

IDW MLP comic reach the issue 100!

No.36899868 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #100—Season 10 Episode 12

Jeremy Whitley (w) • Katie Cook (w & a) • Andy Price (a & CVR A) • Brenda Hickey (a & CVR B) • Agnes Garbowska (1:10 RI CVR) • Amy Mebberson (SDCC @ Home CVR)

''In this landmark issue, Rainbow Dash and her companions Spitfire, Celaeno, Lyra, and Bon Bon find themselves in the Bird Kingdom, where old friendships are tested and a new, enigmatic enemy lurks in the shadows. Together, the ponies will unravel the mystery of the Knights of Harmony! ''
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No.37088750 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does it make (You) seethe so much?
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My Massive Pony

No.35163084 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the My Massive Pony Thread!
Travel Ban Edition

Check out our slowly growing pastebin:

Place for fan art, fan fics, stories, and even canon content, for ponies of all sizes, from the smallest spark to the largest monolith of friendship!

Previous thread: >>35079459
507 posts and 170 images omitted

No.37083755 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did you know that mods are always trying to play mindgames with people they deem too knowledgeable of their unspeakably demented inner workings. That is why Hiro is constantly messing with my browsing experience, to scare me away from leaking the truth. Displaying posts only to me then removing them before I can reply to make me look the fool. Constantly changing the dates on all the threads to confuse me. Removing the images I upload and giving them to random posts instead. Giving other posts parts of my text. Scrambling the postnumbers of the posts I try to reply to right before I click 'Post'. ETC. Turning my shadowban on and off without notice is apart of the everyday 4chan experience for those in this game of mental warfare like I am. It's not fair bros.

No.37026210 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>I feel bad about always knocking over your choccy milk anon. Here, have some on the house!
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Pony Transformation General

No.37071805 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, dragons, gryphons, changelings, draconequus, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Recently updated stories:

Under A Violet Moon by Ponefluff - New

PTFG CYOA by ReMastering:

That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic:

Stampede ULTRA! by Alycorn:

Nesting by alCROWholic - Complete

Trust Once Lost by Anon3mous1:

One Step at a Time by Uh-hmmm - Complete

Pon-e Overdose by Yuri Fanatic - Complete

Limelight by Ponefluff - Complete

The Pon-E Journal by Gnisha:

Were-Pony Anon's Friendship Lesson by P.O.S. - Complete

Too Many Pinkies Plus One by Yuri Fanatic - Complete

Pawn by Alycorn:

Learning to Fly by Lyra:

Pon-E Luna TF by Ponefluff:

37.2 Trillion Anonfillies by Gnisha:

The Filly by CelestialOrigin:

Hornets and Tricks by Yuri Fanatic:

Archive of over 500 stories, as well as additional links and materials:
Past threads index:
Old archive:
Unrated TF image dump thread:

Below are some suggested writing prompts.

>A pill of questionable legality is now available. Taking one results, over the course of a minute or so, in a complete transformation into a little pony lasting twelve hours. The caveats are twofold: First there is no way to predict in the appearance that will result, pegasus, unicorn or earth pony; stallion or mare. Secondly taking two pills within a day renders the transformation permanent.

New Beginnings:
>Congratulations, you get the chance to live in Ponyville as a pony, but there’s a catch: you’ve been turned into a young filly or colt. You’ll be raised by two loving parents but treated as a child. You haven’t lost any of your human memories but may find yourself slipping into the role and acting more childishly as a side effect of the transformation.

Chat in

Previous Thread:
2 posts and 1 image omitted

Canterslut Thread

No.33734535 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Public Free-use Fuck-Meat Edition




Previous sluttery
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