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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 123

/mlp/ con planning thread #7

No.36963830 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What the buck is up everypony, it's finally time to submit your event/panel ideas and vendor forms!


>When is /mlp/ con 2021?
June 11-13, 2021

>What is /mlp/ con?
We're trying to organize an online convention for discord
It will focus on: 1) the show, 2) and the fandom.
Check out some of our events from 2020 that are linked from this site:
Most CyTube streams from last year are here:

>How will the con be held?
Special event threads
Live streams on YouTube, Pony.Tube, or Twitch broadcast via CyTube
Pre-recorded videos made for the con viewed on CyTube
During the con, most activity and interaction will occur on the discord channel and/or CyTube

>(You) can help by volunteering to...
Maintain online planning documents (including general planning doc like last year)
Contact event hosts/panelists to ensure they have everything they need for a great event/panel
Help support any vendors we may have
Help design a better web site for vendors and/or the con
Contact people you know who could help (show guests who may want to participate or anyone else you think could help make the con more fun and exciting)
Maybe help us with some art of Contard/Anon Filly/something else we can use on server or the con site and as thread OP images
Organize some sort of charity thing?
Help hosts/panelists livestream!

>What's next?
Sign up to host an event/panel or be a vendor
Can someone design a better way to support vendors?

Last thread: >>36873279
579 posts and 68 images omitted

The hero we needed in 2011

No.36435281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The hero we needed but never came. Imagine for one second if somebody wasn't a brainwashed retard in order to call out the show as early as season 2's bullshit in full. Someone who would scream wolf the entire summer and shove it in your face that Faust quit as executive producer, the creator-driven era is over.
Imagine all the hatred and infamy he'd receive as he blatantly calls out everything. AND he even makes his own imageboard for you to have a safe space, just like Ponychan's safespace.

Imagine if the drawfags and writefags banded together to rewrite all of season 2's premises and this became the unofficial canon for the show.
Lesson Zero - 1) Twilight loses a physical letter and has to go through Hell to get it back. That letter was the fucking peace treaty between deers and ponies.
2) Or Twilight is sick and the mane5 have to do her chores.
Luna Eclipsed - Luna isn't an asocial moron, she acts too social for 20 minutes and in the other 20 minutes of this 40min special either her magic grows too out of control and turns Ponyville into a Halloween Town full of monsters or Tirek comes to enslave the town or kidnap the ponies back to his castle to turn into black dragons.

We can have our comfy S1 slice of life, but we can also have our adventure side of the episode.

Now what are we suppose to do? try and do this bullshit when we couldn't be arsed to for an entire decade? What could had been.
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No.36974403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thank you for the flags Twimod! Great addition.
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No.36866407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will he supercharge g5?
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No.36951028 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well Anon, are you up to the task?
101 posts and 53 images omitted

No.36943049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Dear cock mileage journal, today I found out Anon is the biggest and greediest faggot of them all. It all started when I was invited to the suck and fuck shack (I think it's a feed and seed shack now) and there was cocks galore then Anon burst through the door and hogged all the dicks for himself and wouldn't share not even one dick. He was like a cock sucking blackhole and swallowed them all in a row. Every time I saw an opening and tried to get one for myself Anon would push me out the way and gobble it down like for himself. Every once in a while he'd look up at me pop the dick out his mouth and say "You're too slow lol" then snarf the cock down again. I waited for hours to get a chance but Anon blocked me every time so I left. WORST DAY EVER!

/mlp/ was voted as the 3rd worst 4chan board

No.36922104 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how does it make you feel?
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No.32076948 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.36911745 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Rarity Thread

No.36898795 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Distinguished and Graceful edition

previously: >>36850429
527 posts and 300 images omitted