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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 125

No.36854659 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Will you watch Mom's next show?
83 posts and 13 images omitted

No.36846107 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
every few years i come here to watch in morbid curiosity and i still have no clue what eldritch horror caused this. what ungodly mental illness and childhood did you people receive to come to this? serious question.
pic unrelated
9 posts and 5 images omitted

No.36805427 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What happened to her?
371 posts and 65 images omitted

MPA Adventures, Twinkle and Anon in Manehattan, An Interactive Pony Quest.

!!cYY8FtM4w0D No.36825432 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Formally Known as the Moondancer Slave Quest, the goal of the quest has since evolved from Edgelord Anon dealing with his autistic slave/love interest, to now dating Moondancers rival and former co-worker Twinkle Shine.
"Sounds good, give me the quick rundown boss."
Basically, you're Magic Powers Anon. You have magic, currently light/protection type magics. You were Dark Edgelord Anon who had dark magic, but found love with Moondancer so your magic evolved to be less edgelordy. However before you stopped being an edgelord, you taught Moondancer how to use dark magic. Which is really bad, because dark magic makes you prone to emotional instability, and that's not something you want to give to a lonely autistic horse.
Anyhow, it made her so incredibly unstable/crazy that being her master/love interest became hard.. And Twinkle Shine, (who was her former co-worker), stepped in to help you out. Unfortunately Twinkle being around Moondancer made her jealous. (So much so that she almost literally killed Twinkle). And instead Moondancer used her dark magic to put a slave curse on you both. And rather than deal with any of that nonsense. You and Twinkle ran away and skipped town from Canterlot all the way over to Manehattan.

And here you're trying to build up a Company in a new city with new identities along with another former co-worker Creme. This thread is now about the romance between you and Twinkle. And escaping the wrath of your crazy ex dark magic autistic gf.


Previous Thread:
138 posts and 21 images omitted

No.12344673 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So /mlp/?
What's your opinion on cyberbullying neckbeard autistic faggot bronies.
165 posts and 58 images omitted

No.36750118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cyberpunk thread! Post cyberpunk ponies, changelings, and other denizens.
Remember, the sky's the color of TV turned to a dead channel, and friendship is profitable.
29 posts and 10 images omitted

Terminal Leukemia

No.21688506 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well guys, it's finally happening.

My dying days have arrived. I failed the fight and now the cancer is going to take me, and I'm so so sad.

I'm a write fag, I started writing for you guys sometime early November 2013, and I wrote mostly for dash friends, as I was a dash friend myself.

I got diagnosed with leukemia and began the fight some months ago, but now it's gotten very bad.

I've been told I have weeks to live.

I wasn't able to get near a computer or Internet for a while but I'm here now.

I'm here to tell all of you... Each and every single one of you just how much you mean to me.

I love all of you more than I can put into words.

You guys have been my friends ever since I turned up here, and you helped ignite my love for writing stories, and best of all, you let me entertain you with my stories.

I will miss you.
I'll miss writing for you guys. You have no idea how much I wanted I wrote stories while I was undergoing treatment.

Now it looks like I'll never get to do that. I'll never write again.

Never write for you again... Or be with you.

Laugh with you, post with you.

And I think that hurts more than the cancer.

So... I don't know what else to say. I'm conflicted about even posting my alias that I posts stories under because I don't want to look like an attention whore.

But I guess I'll go ahead and say it anyway;

My name was Jonathan Carver, I am not anonymous anymore. I love you, and I'll miss you when I'm gone. My writefag name was Crunchbite (

You? You're anonymous. You will live. And I will live through you. You are my brothers.

I leave this world,
But I know in my heart I will be in the place where I belong, the place where I can rest and laugh and smile and not feel pain anymore.

But know this, as I roam the sunny hills of Equestria, I will miss you still.

Goodbye, /mlp/.
And... Thanks.
591 posts and 207 images omitted

No.34775040 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"A-Anon... can I eat your poopies?"
"Sorry? What was that, Fluttershy?"
>Her eyes are rippling pools of shame, threatening to burst at any moment.
>She swallows the trembling lump forming in her throat and tries again.
>"Can I... eat... your poopies?"
>The rainbow-maned pegasus beside her rolls her eyes and shoves her aside.
>"She's asking you to shit in her mouth, Anon. Looks like Flutters here has finally gathered up the gusto to ask!"
"Hm. I'm not convinced."
>"Please... don't make me ask again."
>"Heh. Don't worry, Anon. She just has a little performance anxiety. How 'bout you give me something to drink first so I can show her how it's done?"
>With a feisty flick of her tail Rainbow Dash saunters towards you and watches with welling enthusiasm as you unfasten your belt.
"You used to hate this stuff."
>"Eh. Let's just say it's an acquired taste."
>You pull away the button on your boxer briefs and thread your cock through; her eyes glint at the sight of it, and within moments her tongue is wrapped around the shaft.
>She's worked out the perfect technique to have you hard as a rock in just a matter of seconds.
>The only sounds present in the cottage are the rhythmic ticking of Fluttershy's cuckoo clock and the hungry wet mouth sounds as Dash feels your meat swell and ossify in her mouth.
>She pulls her head away, your cock now slick with her saliva.
>"C'mon! You haven't pissed all day; you must be bursting!"
"Yeah... There's a lot in there. Think you're up to the task?"
>She flicks her mane to the side and grins.
>"Of course I am! Lemme have it!"
>Her mouth opens and her tongue falls over her bottom lip, dripping a dollop of eager spittle onto the floor.
>After a few seconds you feel a stream of piss burst from the end of your cock.
>It catches her on the cheek at first, but she promptly shifts her head across so that it fills her mouth with a hollow trickling sound.
2 posts omitted

FIMFiction thread, now with 7% more last-minute saves!

No.36785020 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: futaloo get (sort of), GAOA (sort of), make FomE approve every single story manually, Wanderer D has always been a useless peon, joining the furry fandom for April Fool's, Paul Asaran is leaving pony, six-screen superhacker setups, the guy who makes abhorrent cover art made a not-horrifying pony for once, 40k crossovers, Sonic crossovers, voting bot is being repurposed into a review aggregation bot, anon tries entreprise resource planning and his will to write withers away, Rainbow Dash fic is finished, the laws of murder as they relate to necromancy, the secrets of ___ are revealed, image filename formats across fimfiction, and STILL nobody makes a new thread until the last spot of page 10 so the edition stays the same.

FiMFiction Starter Kit (recommended fics):

Renomination of fics for an updated list is in "progress":

>How do I write fanfiction?
Ezn’s guide -
Politics and the English Language -
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop -
Horse Behaviour -
Setting a story in motion - [Embed]
Taking criticism - [Embed]

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Reviews and riffs that are likely not up anymore:

>Voiceguy's archive:

Previous thread: >>36740654
532 posts and 73 images omitted

No.36804310 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is happening now
167 posts and 18 images omitted