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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 137

Should we start our own website, s3 fags?

No.35965625 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I miss the early days of the fandom before all the bullshit like Twilicorn, Glimmer, etc. Season 8 and 9 and the horrible epilogue were the final straw. I'd like to start a website just for sharing S1-3 content - a community were we can all just forget about the train wreck of the later seasons and just be fucking happy again.

I know there aren't many of us out there, but I have the money to pay for custom development of a website designed to share content like fanart, fanfics, videos, etc. The rules would include:

- NO mention of later seasons
- NO politics
- NO SJW bullshit

Anyone who violates these would be banned for a week. Repeat offenders would be banned permanently. People aren't making shit based on the original show we fell in love with anymore because there isn't a community based around this. I wish I had done this back when Twilicorn happened and the series started going downhill. Maybe less people would've left then. But I can't let go of what we had and I'm sure there are many more of you out there that are like me and just want pony back.

I used to do website design 10+ years ago but I'm totally out of date when it comes to modern web development. I could afford to throw at least $10,000 at the project. I'm sure that wouldn't go very far with a high end web development firm, but maybe there are some anons here that do web development that would like to contribute and make some money at the same time. I dunno. I'm just throwing this out there. I've got the money if we could just put together a team.
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Ask an Oldfag anything

No.36020248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>10 year anniversary of mlp:fim was 8 days ago
>only just now became aware of this
Damn, I really became an apathetic piece of shit.

You have no reason to believe me but I've been with the ride since I believe sometime around mid 2011, about a year, maybe year and a half ago I gave up on mlp completely. I've not enjoyed mlp since season 4 but just stayed with it just to see it through to the end. After the final Season 9 episode I more or less just cut contact. The news of things like Pony Life just made me want to get out of there rather than keep me here.
I might not be able to answer every question but I feel it's a shame for knowledge to be lost forever. I want to share what I can, while I can.

So TL;DR, ask me anything. Try to keep it anything mlp related if possible.
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No.28191461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey everyone I'm new here. I was just curious what this show is about. I haven't watched it and i just was curious. Can anyone give me a run down.
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NEETpone #50.5

No.35910210 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Depression Edition

Stories about NEET ponies.
Previous thread:
Greens may involve:
•Floor Bored, the fandom's favorite filthy forever alone nymphomaniac NEET
•Moondancer, Wallflower or other (potential) neetpones
•Anon(you) intruding on the neetpone's life
•Being a NEET with her, or looking after her and getting her life back together
•Being a lovely boyfriend for your neetpone
•Turning neetpone into the perfect wife
•Lots and lots of hot dirty NEET sex

Life and trials of NEETpone:
NEETpone Girlfriend:
NEETpone's Day Out:
Raped and cared for NEETpone:
Retail Anon and Poor Floor:
Floorb's Inner Thoughts:
Coming Out Of Your Shell:
Flooring them all:
Paradise Skies:
Floor x Wallflower:
Ghostfloorb Stories:
AWF's Cutie pie:
AWF's as yet untitled story(in progress):
Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:
Aspiring Writefag's green: >>35268702
unnamed anon stories: >>35251523
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No.35997880 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Here's Vylet's entire Patreon dump, along with her entire new album. The Soundcloud links might not last very long, so be sure to backup to make her seethe desu
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No.35003181 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Arrives back into the fandom after being inactive for a few weeks
>Entirety has entered Civil War mode

Someone wanna explain?
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Pony Preservation Project (Thread 62)

No.35919362 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TwAIlight welcomes you to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

This project is the first part of the "Pony Preservation Project" dealing with the voice.
It's dedicated to saving our beloved pony's voices by creating a neural network based Text To Speech for our favorite ponies.
Videos such as or have proven that we now have the technology to generate convincing voices using machine learning algorithms "trained" on nothing but clean audio clips.
With roughly 10 seasons (9 seasons and 5 movies) worth of voice lines available, we have more than enough material to apply this tech for our deviant needs.

Any anon is free to join, and many are already contributing. Just read the guide to learn how you can help bring on the wAIfu revolution. Whatever your technical level, you can help.

We now have a working TwAIlight that any Anon can play with: (48KHz Training) (48KHz Synthesis) (Ngrok Synthesis) (Guide)

>Active Tasks
Researching alternative vocoders
Anon transcribing books and comics
Making AI creations (In thread)
Cookie is working on controllable speech
Research into animation AI

>Latest Developments
AI singing
Master file 2 contains BGM and SFX
Groundwork for video generation
15's site is back up
More datasets
15 looking into multispeaker models
Delta released new local synthesis tool (no gpu required)

>Voice samples

>Clipper Anon's Master File 2.0:!L952DI4Q!nibaVrvxbwgCgXMlPHVnVw

>Synthbot's Torrent Resources

>Cool, where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project!?
You're looking at it.

Last Thread:
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No.35923764 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what the hell, season 6 is great
you faggots lied to me with all your "stop at 2" bs
season 4 was great too
man fuck you guys
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/app/ Active Pony Projects #9

No.35718803 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.35912427 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone edit this with a red pill?
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