>>11106120It's really not a problem, I mean.. i've seen these kinda things originally posted in wat and rage threads.. until eventually it went from being disgusted.. to enjoying how the little wastes of space died. Then I looked up their ecology... double reasoning for why they should be purged... they've gone from something i find gross to something I want dead gone tortured ruined and horribly disfigured. If i had to label it.. if there was just one left, i'd let it live out it's days in torturous moments. I'd remind it it's the last i'd let it see just why it's getting the treatment it's receiving and who knows for a good laugh i might even throw out if they'd have really tried.. they could have taken us over but they were just too stupid disgusting and horrible to feel that way.
Yeesh sometimes i think I need to consider what i'm doing as cruel but then i realize it's all imaginary.. and that nothing in life equals the sickening these things ammount to. So I don't feel too bad ruining them. Also feel free to do what you want with this little scene.. keep the spoon. It was yours anyway.