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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 141

No.35669713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am about to do something super epic to plebbit HQ in about 20-25 min live on stream (pic related).
It will definitely be on the national news in less than an hour.
whatever happens, thanks for always being my favorite board /mlp/

live stream and quick run down:

Marenheit 451 Art Pack Afterparty

No.35660158 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Promotional videos:

It's Done! All in all over 200 images and 6 stories were submitted to the art pack. Check the thread for updates and details.

In this thread we contributed to an art pack in response to Derpibooru's recent censorship. The purpose was to promote free speech. Anypony was welcome to join and all media forms was accepted. A lot of the art pack features Aryanne due to the her ban on Derpi, however this was not a requirement to be included.

*Donation link changed due to storefront being closed down, twice.

Watch the afterparty stream here:

Download stream drawings:


Why the name?
Marenheit 451. A reference and parody of Fahrenheit 451

How much will it cost?
It will be a donation and will be pay-what-you-want.

What charity?
The money will go to the Days End Farm Horse Rescue. $1200 has been donated to The Comic Book Defense League

Does the pack contain NSFW?
Both SFW and NSFW stuff are included.

What skill level was required?
Any and all. This project is about community involvement.

Thread Doc:
Art Ideas:
Artist List:
Mega Archive:

Previous thread: >>35651120
604 posts and 171 images omitted

No.35663459 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
She's is returned!

Comic voice over thread 2 : this time it's personal

No.35364097 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What the hay?
Step 1: Find a comic on Derpi.
Step 2: Use or PPPV colab
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.

>Any examples?

>Fine faggot, I will do it. Spoonfeed me.
See the steps upthere.
You can use Audacity to edit the audio, Firealpaca if you need to edit the images, Shotcut to edit the video.

>Great, I did my comic dub, now what?
Post it here dumbass.
And to derpy (with tags AiVo, AVO, animated, whatever, you are a grown up now. Oh, and if you used it obviously)
And most of all, have fun!

Previous thread : >>35153753
501 posts and 108 images omitted

No.35640523 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Go lift some weights and pick up a book you fucking manchilds
2 posts omitted

No.35269566 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Literally the only good thing S9 has gave us.
566 posts and 137 images omitted

No.35519557 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post and 1 image omitted

No.35613941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do you still come here?
It's over there's nothing left but shitty generals, old memes and effortless shitposts. Go somewhere else, get a girlfriend, start a family, watch some other cartoons, whatever.
Just stop coming here.

The End of Derpibooru part 10: Edition

No.35619267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>35612706

Marenheit 451 art pack is out!

Go donate $14.88 to a horse charity and make twittertards seethe! Over $6k was raised in the first few hours.

Anyway, literally the last thread on the catalog and nobody's making a new one. The new "drama" has basically been petty discussions on the derpibooru forums, including mods continuing to make an ass of themselves, etc., and I haven't been following it much, so you don't get an update lmao retards who can't even make a new thread on time

Previous summary (still mostly true):
Not much else to do while we watch TSP burn his site down and now the new moderation staff is trying to calm down everyone, Luna(Luna von Rainy in the chat log) is being a TSP 2.0 and changed the account to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna(nebbie in the chat log) try to be the reasonable one. Get comfy, it’s out of our hands now.

Old happening:
>Totally "fair" private poll from the moderation team to say what should be deleted. Everything is calming down
>Result of the private polls
>Public poll(already invaded by twitter):
>Mods are trying to bait Rule8 bans by asking to post the leaked logs as "proofs", so be careful to not get baited

Also the mods are trying to change the rule 0 in a very questionable way and failing in every try because the changes keep affecting their precious ACAB fanarts

Moderation log chat
738 posts and 153 images omitted

Marenheit 451 Art Pack Afterparty

No.35612851 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's Done! All in all over 200 images and 6 stories were submitted to the art pack. The Donation page will be up soon. Check the thread for updates and details.

In this thread we contributed to an art pack in response to Derpibooru's recent censorship. The purpose was to promote free speech. Anypony was welcome to join and all media forms was accepted. A lot of the art pack features Aryanne due to the her ban on Derpi, however this was not a requirement to be included.


Why the name?
Marenheit 451. A reference and parody of Fahrenheit 451

How much will it cost?
It will be a donation and will be pay-what-you-want.

What charity?
The money will be split between Days End Farm Horse Rescue and The Comic Book Defense League

Does the pack contain NSFW?
Both SFW and NSFW stuff are included.

What skill level was required?
Any and all. This project is about community involvement.

Donation Link:
Will be linked at

Thread Doc:
Art Ideas:
Artist List:
Mega Archive:

Previous thread: >>35607659
892 posts and 217 images omitted