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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 143

No.35444121 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You guys don't actually think Twilight is a slut, right?
34 posts and 10 images omitted


No.35508991 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Pony Preservation Project (Thread 53)

No.35459053 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TwAIlight welcomes you to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

This project is the first part of the "Pony Preservation Project" dealing with the voice.
It's dedicated to saving our beloved pony's voices by creating a neural network based Text To Speech for our favorite ponies.
Videos such as or have proven that we now have the technology to generate convincing voices using machine learning algorithms "trained" on nothing but clean audio clips.
With roughly 10 seasons (9 seasons and 5 movies) worth of voice lines available, we have more than enough material to apply this tech for our deviant needs.

Any anon is free to join, and many are already contributing. Just read the guide to learn how you can help bring on the wAIfu revolution. Whatever your technical level, you can help.

We now have a working TwAIlight that any Anon can play with: (Training) (Synthesis) (Guide)

>Active Tasks
Create a dataset for speech synthesis (
AI Training/Interface/Refinement
Synthbot working on story tagger for voiced greentexts (
Researching alternative vocoders
Looking into an animation dataset, animators needed
Anon transcribing books and comics

>Latest Developments
We had a panel in /mlp/con (See FAQs for links)
Anypony can train on Google Colab
Research into free TPUs from T.R.C.

>Voice samples

>Clipper Anon's Master File 2.0:!L952DI4Q!nibaVrvxbwgCgXMlPHVnVw (torrent)

>Synthbot's Torrent Resources

>Cool, where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project!?
You're looking at it.

Last Thread:
499 posts and 72 images omitted

Derpi Death / Save Aryanne Thread #3

No.35505875 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Mods on Derpibooru enacted a policy that attempts to ban all images that "trivialize" nazism, which includes most Aryanne content when just a few weeks ago during the BLM drama they said they wouldn't do such a thing. Their own userbase is calling out the mods on their hypocrisy for this as well as allowing foalcon, communism, and >rape images. Tons of damage control and post deletions ensue.

Previous Thread: >>35503791
Derpibooru Alt. Thread: >>35501796
743 posts and 156 images omitted

Watch Derpi Die

No.35503791 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Derpibooru has begun its descent into the purity spiral by banning all imagery that “trivializes nazism.” Essentially, pictures of Aryanne aren’t allowed unless she’s being murderer or fucked by zebras. The mods are dismissing all dissenters as Nazis (of course), and many are wondering how long it will take for them to start eating each other. Grab some popcorn and let’s watch this shitshow together.

“Previous” thread: >>35501214
Derpibooru alternative thread: >>35501796
780 posts and 173 images omitted

No.35501214 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
RIP Aryanne, basically banned from Derpibooru from now on until its zebradom rape
746 posts and 154 images omitted

No.35499578 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
( i )
7 posts and 1 image omitted

No.35473973 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would you be willing to do to smell your waifu's sweat?
9 posts and 1 image omitted

No.35475707 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Woah isn't impersonating a medical professional illegal?
13 posts and 1 image omitted

No.35462678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now that the dust has settled, lets settle the age old argument.
Are bronies furries?
1 post omitted