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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 145

Are they all the same?

No.35396638 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I looked up to these people. Those people that created the universe I feel in love with. But It took -1 zebra to dissapoint me entirely.
Tara, Andrea, others, and now Lauren.
I can't take it bros ;_;
11 posts and 2 images omitted

No.35343445 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are you ready to die, /mlp/?
102 posts and 31 images omitted

No.35378327 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to be Prince Blueblood's fart filter, hoof polisher and toilet.

No.35233478 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /mlp/.
I'm the Anon who posted the Soldier thread several days ago informing /mlp/ of the passing of Rick May, the Soldier's VA. I understand TF2 is important to the pony fandom and so I come here again because of more unfortunate news.
I'm making this thread as a warning, I understand you're probably sad and want to play TF2 in rememberance of him, but if you're not already aware, the source code for TF2 and CSGO has recently been leaked. This has allowed others to take control of your client and computer just by being in the same server as someone with malicious intent, they can delete your entire inventory, or manually inject viruses and malware into your computer.

more info here
I apologize for posting two borderline non-pony related threads recently. This just seemed urgent enough to warrant it.
26 posts and 4 images omitted

No.1238836 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the fluffy pony thread!

Everyone equal. Everyone loved. You don’t have to have a sorry stick to join in, it’s just for fun.

Huggies, spaghetti, play-time, and horrifying abuse are the most important things a fluffy owner can have. Let’s spread some joy and post some fluffy ponies!
511 posts and 55 images omitted

No.35363181 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aren't you going to bed so you can snuggle with your favorite dragon?
8 posts and 2 images omitted

Digibrony came out as trans

No.35347193 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well, well, well. Would you look at that.
77 posts and 11 images omitted

No.35322061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Ugh, who invited THAT guy?
25 posts and 5 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 94

No.35203210 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

Previous Thread:

>The gang makes their last preparations and set out for Thaola Venali, the white citadel of the deer.
>When it gets dark they set up camp, and Emerald finds out a bit of Ann's history with Bibisi and the Joyride's in general, as well as a bit about Tartarus and about Pip.
>The next day on their travels Emerald ends up spotting what he thinks might be a deer, though he isn't sure of that exactly.

Continued in next post...
561 posts and 51 images omitted

MLP General

No.35244350 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Mane 7 edition

Rainbow Roadtrip special
Written by Kim Beyer-Johnson

924-25: The Ending of the End - Part 1 & 2
Written by Nicole Dubuc (part 1) & Michael Vogel (part 2)

926:The Last Problem
Written by Josh Haber

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy

Previous Thread
640 posts and 299 images omitted