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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 153

No.34712000 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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I'm Writing a Clopfic With My Mom (Thread #3) - Read it Here!

No.34709265 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For those of you who don't know what the fuck is going on, please read the previous threads:

To summarize, I'm writing a mother/son incest clopfic with my mom. Seriously, as fucked up as this is, we're really enjoying writing it.

This whole thing has created some sexual tension between us (big surprise, right?). I don't know if this will actually go anywhere in real life, but we're trying to come to terms with how we feel.

We're planning on releasing the fic as we go along and finally decide on what's "canon" and what's not (there have been quite a few scenes that have been edited or completely thrown out. If one of us has a better idea that we both agree on, we change it).

Writing this fic is as much about creating a good clopfic as it is about us exploring how we feel about each other, and our fears/feelings will inevitably come through in the way that the characters are portrayed. I'm not saying that everything we write about our respective characters is how we truly feel, but you can't help but project your own feelings onto "your" character like that.

I'll be using this thread to show you guys the story as it progresses as well as to give you updates on how things are progressing between my mom and I in real life. I can't promise that anything will happen between us, but feels like we're moving forward (albeit slowly and cautiously).
99 posts and 13 images omitted

No.13418164 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shouldn't Apple Jack be more for the Confederacy?
9 posts and 3 images omitted

After what season did MLP stop being cannon?

No.34684423 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
69 posts and 13 images omitted

No.34682913 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Uh oh, I forgot to tell him about decompressing before surfacing"
103 posts and 22 images omitted

No.34632599 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If we will bring the ponies to the real world, what kind size will be the best?
33 posts and 12 images omitted

No.34677697 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Dry me off, darling?"
41 posts and 9 images omitted

No.34677456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are these paid art packs always garbage?
23 posts omitted

No.34669677 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rewatching season 4 i put it in green. The songs are pretty good and aside from the controversial finale it's harmless enough.

Personal opinion on show quality over the seasons.
225 posts and 16 images omitted