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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 164

No.33902838 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I first saw School Raze, I wondered how Cozy Glow was able to send letters to Tirek and why Equestria's postal service would even deliver to Tartarus. Now that I've thought about it, though, I bet Cozy Glow just told Derpy that sending letters to Tartarus was totally normal and that she just shouldn't think about it.
11 posts omitted

No.33903081 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which pony would you bring to the beach?
11 posts and 3 images omitted

No.33893662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>9 episodes so far this season
>6 have been good
can they keep up the momentum?
93 posts and 17 images omitted

No.33885449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Both of them could be cute siblings
11 posts omitted

My Massive Pony

No.33880808 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the My Massive Pony thread!
Classic Edition

Check out our slowly growing pastebin:

Previous thread: >>33798646
510 posts and 145 images omitted

No.30685281 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why aren't you christian my bronies?
380 posts and 171 images omitted

No.33860186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
14 posts and 7 images omitted

No.33807685 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So... this fandom will make porn of her or everyone will be scared of any possible jailtime?
490 posts and 96 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 88

No.33726417 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

Previous Thread:

>Emerald is brought to Hope, and they have a brief conversation about the alternate Joyride as well as the colt's home dimension. Hope believes him, and decides to let him stay the night until her Joyride comes back.
>He is let into Hope and the Choir's chamber, where he meets the other choir members.
>Scout, a brash and wild looking earth pony.
>Bristle, a pegasus.
>Rocky, the youngest of the lot with a stone doll he can control.
>They are Prince, an earth pony who is good with magic and is friends with Rocky.
>And of course, Larimar.
>They all hang out for a bit, and Emerald teaches them a spell while he learns the one that let's a pony check what magic was cast out of a focus last.
>He then learns a bit of history of this dimension, as well as the object known as an Arrowfix.
>They play for a bit, then eat dinner. During the meal, Emerald and Prince decide to have a sparring match.
>They go to some magically protected sparring rings and get ready to duel.

Continued in next post...
514 posts and 56 images omitted

Berrow is done with MLP

No.33774082 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bad News: next episode is going to be another crap episode like Fluttershy Leans in

Good News: its the last MLP episode of GM Berrow
44 posts and 5 images omitted