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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 168

Princess Applejack

No.33297592 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 260.5
499 posts and 9 images omitted

No.33566111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long until mlp starts showing up in the Hasbro movieverse along side transformers and gi joe?
and how will /co/ and /tv/ react?
12 posts and 4 images omitted

No.33560483 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ace is so handsome turn him into stars and form a constellation in his image. His face will make the heavens so beautiful that the world will fall in love with the night and forget about the garish sun

No.32175291 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Applejack scene
>Rap music starts playing
66 posts and 21 images omitted

No.33501452 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hi, I'm Pally! I'm your bestest pal!
190 posts and 57 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 86

No.33479455 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

Previous Thread:

>Emerald chats with some people in the barracks and learns how to fight a little better.
>Literally that's all that really happened. He speaks with Eda briefly, as well as Uictoria.
>The important thing is that we are finally leaving the god damn barracks soon.

Continued in next post...
523 posts and 48 images omitted

Scrolls and Trolls #2

!nK89RARITY No.33504360 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>33489836

Leaving Bianca in the distance, the walk is actually quite pleasant. The gentle sound of wildlife, and trees rustling in the wind makes the forest seem incredibly peaceful. You make great progress, but as the sun begins to set you hear a yell!
"Yah-HAH!" Down from the trees swoops an earth pony, aided by a vine. "You look well off, fair lady! Hand over your coins, I won't be taking no for an answer!" The pony says, with an oddly suave tone. The pony advances very slowly, with a thin pointy sword of some kind.
538 posts and 73 images omitted

Super Humans and Power Ponies #39

No.33297883 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What the fuck just happened Edition

EXCELSIOR, true believers!
Welcome to the Superhero thread, formerly Spider-Shim and her Amazing Friends!
All mlp/superhero green, art, and discussions are welcome.

Previous Thread: >>33199390

newest writefag:

completed stories:
> - Drunk Spider Shimmer Tales
> - Magic Die Anon

live writefags:
untitled 7:
> - Teacher Anon

> - C.A.P.E.S. (Thinking with Portals Anon)
> - A new type of Bond (Tonic Anon)
> - Villainess' Delight and Therapy - Anon MD (Therapist Anon)

> - Villanon

Spider-Bloke 2099:
> - Blue Beetle Anon (up for possible rewrite)
> - /k/ Anon and Spider Shimm #4

rest in writefag heaven:
> - Defiant
> - Beans (one-shot)
> - RooRooRoo
> - superkeaton
> - Sea Urchin
> - Silentanon (various one-shots)

> & - Putty Pie fag
> mamorukusanagi

Storylist and Thread archive:
505 posts and 64 images omitted

Yona offended by accusation!

No.33422908 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
6 posts and 2 images omitted

I'm done, I'm fucking done

No.33416189 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What have we become /mlp/
210 posts and 68 images omitted