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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Hello everypony let's have a nice thread about the best pony in the entier Fandom Nyx & why she would beat the living tombstone out of everypony in all of MLP-FIM if hasbro did us that huge favor of putting her into the show & why it need's to happend at the end of S9.
Hello /mlp/, let's write a Daring Do story: "Daring Do and the Jungle of Terror".
Post one sentence. The next poster replies to your thread and adds one sentence. When the thread 404's, I'll add a conclusion and post it somewhere. Final background of the cover will reflect the nature of the story.
Daring Do inhaled a breath of the sticky jungle air, placing one hoof in front of the other as she trudged through the Jungle of Terror, her hooves dragging through the endless mud.
ATTENTION /MLP/ Enjoying season 2 is banned Appreciating the show is banned Having an opinion that differs from another is BANNED Not saying season two is the following >fan catering >gay >for ponychanners Not assuming season 3 will be shit is banned
What to do: Hate on the fandom Be an elitist Direct everybody who breaks the rules to le >>>>ponychan Be a fag Congrats. you know belong on /MLP/
What did the pony fans love so much about season 2?
It had hateable characters. The stories were recycles of the same moral, but done worse. The execution was beyond clunky. The music was obnoxious, and the songs were either cheesy as hell, not to mention of it were musicals instead of songs. It's writing was horrible, there wasn't a good scene for any of the ponies.(except for Rarity's song montage, of course) The expressions weren't even fappable. Discord made the ugliest porn there is. The whole thing was saturated as shit, it look like someone threw a bucket of oil on it.
Since ponies have puffy protruding stretchy anuses (AKA: Ponuts), would butt stuff be more mainstream? Like anal would be more popular or wearing buttplugs being unkinky, or suppositories being the main mthod to take medicine.