Quoted By:
Wew, raided again. Hourly cap on new threads when?
>what is this
A memeball test tournament and attempt to take the cup back from the evil /aesco/ cabal holding it hostage. And just coincidentally, this one contains horses inside™. Doubly. horsefucker conspiracy reee
Also this one is played in PES18 (duh), so don't expect anything but 22 identical slavs running around for 90 minutes of intense semen slurping. No hats, no stadiums, :ResidentSleeper:s only, final PEStination.
General info: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/FAQ
This cup: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Test_Cup_V_18
PES18: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2018 https://pastebin.com/vjagjKZ1
>where and when
Standard cup time, that is 17:00 UTC (Saturday & Sunday) (may be late due to vglelsucks lmaoooooooo draw)
Today's lineup:
/imptrash/ - /g/
/mu/ - /inv1/
>>>>/bug/ - /mlp/<<<< The ultimate TSparx vs BGP showdown: The dude luck lmao vs serious esports skill bowl: The equines vs bugs thunderdome, two teams enter, only one leaves victorious
/pol/ - /f1/
Semis, 3rd place trophy & final
Group A matrix: >>33185416 (please be a 4-4-4-4. please be a 4-4-4-4)
Group B matrix: >>33185679
>what is this
A memeball test tournament and attempt to take the cup back from the evil /aesco/ cabal holding it hostage. And just coincidentally, this one contains horses inside™. Doubly. horsefucker conspiracy reee
Also this one is played in PES18 (duh), so don't expect anything but 22 identical slavs running around for 90 minutes of intense semen slurping. No hats, no stadiums, :ResidentSleeper:s only, final PEStination.
General info: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/FAQ
This cup: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Test_Cup_V_18
PES18: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2018 https://pastebin.com/vjagjKZ1
>where and when
Standard cup time, that is 17:00 UTC (Saturday & Sunday) (may be late due to vglelsucks lmaoooooooo draw)
Today's lineup:
/imptrash/ - /g/
/mu/ - /inv1/
>>>>/bug/ - /mlp/<<<< The ultimate TSparx vs BGP showdown: The dude luck lmao vs serious esports skill bowl: The equines vs bugs thunderdome, two teams enter, only one leaves victorious
/pol/ - /f1/
Semis, 3rd place trophy & final
Group A matrix: >>33185416 (please be a 4-4-4-4. please be a 4-4-4-4)
Group B matrix: >>33185679