You can't escape your wife or her estrus Edition
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>>30146088Twisted Desires Pastebin (Be warned they are long, I am working on it)
Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:>What is this? Another Rule 63 thread?No, not really. This is a thread about Queen Umbra and her adventures with everyone's favorite human Anon!
>So a story thread then?Yes! This is a story that takes place after the Reflections comic arc You know the one where Celestia loves that Sombra from the mirror universe where everyone good is evil and everyone evil is good. Before the last thread died our protagonists have been enjoying their time on their honeymoon, but like all good things it will soon be coming to an end...
>So it's just a thread for your story?No of course not! Like always if you want to write something go ahead
If not sit back and enjoy or talk about vidya games of your choice