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previous thread: >>32036915
Last thread left off after the lich appeared to us. Astra breaks down after the lich leaves, and we comfort her that night.
Now begins the following morning on our continued trip to canterlot, where we're to ask Celestia for a wizard willing to put their life on the line.
Astra starts the caravan, and you walk outside to join her in front. She starts the engine in relative silence, alone with her thoughts. A minute later, you get the feeling to ask something. "Hey uh, do you get tired of people assuming we're a couple? I can lay off the jokes about it if it's getting under your skin."
Astra goes wide eyed, and stares off ahead as she caravan lurches into motion.
>"uhm.." she sits there for a moment, fidgeting. Some more silence, and she finally answers "It's.... you're just joking, jokes are fine, haha.. You and me, cmon of course it's a joke.. haha..." she says, trying to play it off. Her face tells a different story, slowly turning a bright red, before she tries to hide it from you by turning the other way. This girl can't hide anything from anyone, it seems.
Last thread left off after the lich appeared to us. Astra breaks down after the lich leaves, and we comfort her that night.
Now begins the following morning on our continued trip to canterlot, where we're to ask Celestia for a wizard willing to put their life on the line.
Astra starts the caravan, and you walk outside to join her in front. She starts the engine in relative silence, alone with her thoughts. A minute later, you get the feeling to ask something. "Hey uh, do you get tired of people assuming we're a couple? I can lay off the jokes about it if it's getting under your skin."
Astra goes wide eyed, and stares off ahead as she caravan lurches into motion.
>"uhm.." she sits there for a moment, fidgeting. Some more silence, and she finally answers "It's.... you're just joking, jokes are fine, haha.. You and me, cmon of course it's a joke.. haha..." she says, trying to play it off. Her face tells a different story, slowly turning a bright red, before she tries to hide it from you by turning the other way. This girl can't hide anything from anyone, it seems.