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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 182

No.29885468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>recolored this reaction image
>posted it on /co/
>flew under the radar for the most part and was eventually archived
24 posts and 15 images omitted

Pinkamena hunt

No.29853967 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The rutheless killer Pinkamena is on the hunt.
>looking to finish her cutie mark cape and make her cupcakes she will not stop.
>dubs means she picks your number and are harvested
>trips mean you escape her clutches
>quads and she is brought to justice.
>quints and you join her in her rampage.
>Happy hunting...
10 posts and 1 image omitted

Coltquest Thread 62

No.29826237 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

>Emerald and Ruby leave the Joywasp behind and goes to the memory room.
>The pair watch a memory that shows Sunshine Sea. Sunshine looks like a certain pony, and indeed has a piece of jewelry that is very familiar.
>Joyride finds them, and Emerald confronts the unicorn about Sunshine possibly being his mother.
>After some dramatic conversation, Joyride runs out and Ruby and Emerald and then Emerald goes to bed.
>The next day Joyride isn't back, so Emerald goes to find him.
>He accidentally activates a teleporting device and finds Joyride in the same cottage from the previous memory.
>They speak briefly, and then go and get some food.

Continued in the next post...
503 posts and 46 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 61

No.29782196 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

>Emerald gives the D to Sushi.
>Afterwards, the pair discuss how to attack the safehouse to retrieve the gem.
>Sushi agrees to collect more information, and Emerald decides to wait a bit and plan.
>Ruby cuts herself on accident, and Emerald decides to put his hair up in a bun.
>Emerald considers heading over to Olam's, but decides to do it tomorrow.
>On their way back to Joyride's, they find her passed out on the door.
>After putting her to bed Ruby grabs her keys, they go exploring.
>After passing through a few rooms they get to a room with a big hole in the center of it.
>Climbing down into it, they head to the center and find a stone structure with a pool inside, containing a bee.
>This bee is named Joyride, and she implies that Emerald will be the father of her children.

Continued in the next post...
538 posts and 36 images omitted

No.29777131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
132 posts and 113 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 60

No.29735068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:
CQ Wiki:

>Emerald has some fun with Giles.
>They return to Ruby and Praline.
>Emerald gets a new hairdo.
>They leave the pecans and return to #304 Coursewalk.
>They meet Joyride as she leaves the house, and she seems quite happy, claiming to have had a "breakthrough".
>Joyride copies the files for Emerald.
>The foals go to Sushi's restaurant and find Sushi in her office.

Continued in the next post...
535 posts and 43 images omitted


No.29711121 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Thread: >>29624536
11-54 is the story of a filly exploring a strange facility filled with hostile creatures and unstable architecture.
You've gone quite a ways in the last few days but as it stands, your journey is not over.
So far you were born into this facility from mysterious tubes that litter the building. You've managed to die twice, only to
be re-born from the tubes. Along the way you met a pony who is your clone, who is much older than you, and remembers the
facility before if fell into disrepair. Your older clone who you've named Spearmint told you about the mental conditioning
program that the facility used to run, which left her a bit of a psychological mess. There are various hostile artificial
organisms created by the facility that lurk the halls. You are also being hunted by the automated security who seeks to
contain the artificial organisms. Along the way you've also meet an investigative reporter by the Name of Photo Bomb who was
in a helicopter that crashed into the building. Upon meeting the reporter you choose to name yourself Peppermint. After escaping a lab housing a bio-computer's and recently exploring an aquatic biology laboratory you got your ass kicked by a telepathic creature which lost you a good portion of your inventory.
You then traveled up stairs with your companions only to find another giant mole and a lab protected by another active A.I. You then back tracked into a storage room after killing a bio-luminescent creature which you ate before having a lucid dream where you spoke to your ID who told you that something has been implanting ideas in your dreams. You followed that up with meeting a filly 08-42 (Who you nicknamed Speckles) that you helped find a colt Named 05-27, who you had seen in a dream where you knew him as Flushbolt. You managed to subdue and lock up 08-42 after she became violent and then return to your friends with Flushbolt.

What will you do now?
416 posts and 36 images omitted

No.29753628 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys it's the number one summerfag of 2012 here, Felix. Ask me anything
20 posts and 8 images omitted

No.27538941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did none of the Griffons think, "oh shit lets get our esteemed idol back from the Abyss now that Arimapsi's gone"?

All it took was rope surely
43 posts and 8 images omitted

RGRE: Reversed Gender Roles Equestria

No.29699926 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Limestone Pie Edition

>Earth Pony

Previous thread: >>29683306

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Old CrazyRain's Stories' Archives: (embed)

Prompt collection:
63 posts and 19 images omitted