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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 182


Homo Horse Hangout #47

!!Hu4dDQVYgUi No.31364701 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dad Wood Edition

Welcome to /hhh/, your international supplier of horsecock!

Previous thread: >>31276123

Discord: (18+ only)
521 posts and 223 images omitted

No.31447197 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

Welcome home edition

A collection of miscellaneous greens since the first thread.

Old thread
524 posts and 201 images omitted

No.31394948 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You have been summoned to save equestria from impending doom, but you been summoned as the main character of the last game you played
It's gonna get messy
206 posts and 113 images omitted

NEETpone #13

No.31365692 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Stories about NEET ponies,
Comfy Coffee edition

Greens may involve:

•Floor Bored, the fandom's favorite filthy forever alone nymphomaniac NEET (see pic)
•Moondancer or other neetpones
•Anon(you) intruding on the neetpone's life
•Being a NEET with her, or looking after her and getting her life back together
•Being a lovely boyfriend for your neetpone
•Turning neetpone into the perfect wife
•Lots and lots of hot dirty NEET sex

Previous Thread: >>31093797

HeliAnon: (embed)
Floored: (embed)
Life and trials of NEETpone: (embed)
NEETpone Girlfriend: (embed)
NEETpone's Day Out: (embed)
Raped and cared for NEETpone: (embed)
Retail Anon and Poor Floor: (embed)
Floorb's Inner Thoughts: (embed)

Archive of unnamed stories and oneshots:
515 posts and 61 images omitted

Hijack (the CYOA) - Mission 6

!wMHG65mofE No.28675075 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>28559019
“I have a great talent in finding trouble. I also have a great talent in getting rid of it.”

“What if we just used the damn die?”
>Atticus shakes his head morosely
>”I don’t know if that’s the best idea. The last one to use it was my kid, and when he rolled, he…”
>Atticus cradles his head in his hooves and sighs deeply
>”Even though I rolled high, I don’t know if that was some kind of fluke, or if there’s a deeper force at work here… I really don’t know if rolling haphazardly is worth the risk, especially if we try to roll to find things, and only end up being taken over by the die ourselves…”

“It’s either that, or we do nothing!” You state simply, your frustrations coming to a head
>If there’s anything you hate, its being tied down and helpless
“I don’t hear any alternatives, dad-guy!”
>”Hold on!” he states irately
>”I never said we had no other options! In fact, I have just one idea that could work in our favor!"
"How do you know this idea will work in the first place?"
>"Unless you’ve had an epiphany about how this thing works, I think its worth a shot!”

>Greg reiterates
>”I’ve already told you how it works, it changes YOUR destiny to suit its needs when you roll. So just figure out a way to avoid such a fate, and the die is a powerful tool indeed!”
>He laughs derisively.
>”Though I’m surprised you all are so very dense.”

>Atticus stares at the book for a second before continuing his explanation
>”Either way, I think we can talk to Bato, the gopher for the gangs. He might know an item or pony that can help us! But this time, try not to beat up ANOTHER pony that can help us.”
>You shrug incredulously and ask innocently, "What?"

>You take inventory of your possible options.
>You could follow Atticus’s lead and go for the gopher
>Or you could try to roll the die and see where it takes you, no matter where it may be
>Greg rolls his lopsided eyes in a smugger manner than usual
>"Get this goose chase going, you twits!"
270 posts and 40 images omitted

Equestria Girls / Humanized Edits Thread

No.31337901 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
date night edition.

Last thread: >>31182724

Welcome to the official Equestria Girls Edits thread. The primary objective of this thread is to create, share and ultimately dump decent vector edits of the girls. You can post your own edits, take requests from anons lurking or either make your own requests in hope some editfag takes it and doesn't mess it up.

Contributors are welcome to join and collaborate.
By the way, please consider these tips before posting:
>It is encouraged to create 2 versions of every pic: one with the girl(s) in underwear/lingerie and another naked.
>Post here the one with underwear and upload the naked one to imgur.
>Links to imgur should be direct. Don't link to a imgur page, use the direct image link.
>Use some vectoring software like Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop, Gimp, etc. Avoid using Paint.
>It is not required to make the edits barefoot. By the way, every good work is much appreciated.
>Requests are marked with a "/r/" in the post subject.
>If you tell someone you're willling to take some request, finish the job you lazy faggot.
>Your first edit will probably suck. Don't give up. Listen to the comments and keep trying.

Tip for requesters:
>Be patient. It takes a while to complete a picture.

Post, share, edit and enjoy!

Imgur Album:
505 posts and 143 images omitted

No.31340658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Man, when will the staff get the picture that NOBODY except a tiny minority of waifufags care about the mane 6?
The show would be WAY better if it was all about Glim Glam and her friends!

Equestria Girls / Humanized Edits Thread

No.31182724 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fresh content edition.

Last thread: >>31096631

Welcome to the official Equestria Girls Edits thread. The primary objective of this thread is to create, share and ultimately dump decent vector edits of the girls. You can post your own edits, take requests from anons lurking or either make your own requests in hope some editfag takes it and doesn't mess it up.

Contributors are welcome to join and collaborate.
By the way, please consider these tips before posting:
>It is encouraged to create 2 versions of every pic: one with the girl(s) in underwear/lingerie and another naked.
>Post here the one with underwear and upload the naked one to imgur.
>Links to imgur should be direct. Don't link to a imgur page, use the direct image link.
>Use some vectoring software like Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop, Gimp, etc. Avoid using Paint.
>It is not required to make the edits barefoot. By the way, every good work is much appreciated.
>Requests are marked with a "/r/" in the post subject.
>If you tell someone you're willling to take some request, finish the job you lazy faggot.
>Your first edit will probably suck. Don't give up. Listen to the comments and keep trying.

Tip for requesters:
>Be patient. It takes a while to complete a picture.

Post, share, edit and enjoy!

Imgur Album:
525 posts and 193 images omitted

No.31203194 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
EQG Series confirmed
First season is gonna be 45 episodes with "varying duration".
>beach episode
get hyped boys

previous thread >>31195383
85 posts and 22 images omitted