Okay, okay, whew, hint taken. So for what it's worth, Luna gave you her approval and wishes to see you off. Though, she MAY bring your brothers along. If you REALLY wanna go solo, I'll keep them from following. Make sure you don't change your mind after you go through, though. A one way trip is straining enough, so if you want to turn back, it's alright. I like your company, anyway.
You really want to do this, huh? Well, Strength might sock you real good, let me tell you that right now. Might want to wear a mouthguard back when the time comes. Aside from that, you should be fine. Well, providing you don't get slain by some eldritch horror. No pressure, though! Then again, I'm sure you've handled worse. With help, but it's SOMETHING. Plus, you'll probably make some friends out there.
Hey, do me a favor. If you meet any single hot moms, see how they feel about chaotic beings! Quit glaring at me, you're no one to ta-SORRY just not the ribs. Please leave my ribs alone.
Well, we're at the point where we discuss finding babes for me, so I think we should get ready. All important subjects have been covered, pal, so I'll see you at the kingdom! Don't pack light, it'll be a journey.
Uh, what's downloadable content? I guess you can import it. You're an odd one, but that's why I like you. Ciao!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVvoD_ErXUoAN ECHO COMES FORTH