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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 191

No.29079875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Want to ask out Rarity.
>But she's most likely fucking that talking dog.
>What to do?
26 posts and 13 images omitted

Fat Pony Thread

No.28940641 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Obey the Catbird edition

Previous thread
465 posts and 253 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 50

No.29034604 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inventory & Spells:

Previous Thread...

>Emerald and Co. take on the zebra slavers.
>They are taken out, but a giant gas cloud overtakes the area during the fight, knocking out nearly everyone and covering Dejen's escape.
>After finding a gas mask, Emerald rescues Ruby and Nishan, and then gets the attention of Bunsen.
>Joyride is found, and then promptly passes out after seeing the coast is clear.
>A ledger containing possible evidence is found.
>Bunsen, the kidnapped ponies, and Emerald's party all leave for the Marjani Temple for safety.
>Emerald decodes the ledger, implicating a powerful zebra diplomat's son.
>Joyride awakes, and Emerald decides to follow her as she goes to Nishan and Loupe's place to get the honey from the Jungle Wasps.
>They stop at a coffee shop, and Joyride says she is going to get a present for a pony.

Continued in the next post...
600 posts and 44 images omitted

No.29018933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are they so perfect?
6 posts omitted

Equestria Girls / Humanized Edits Thread

No.28886702 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread: >>28757475

Welcome to the official Equestria Girls Edits thread. The primary objective of this thread is to create, share and ultimately dump decent vector edits of the girls. You can post your own edits, take requests from anons lurking or either make your own requests in hope some editfag takes it and doesn't mess it up.

Contributors are welcome to join and collaborate.
By the way, please consider these tips before posting:
>It is encouraged to create 2 versions of every pic: one with the girl(s) in underwear/lingerie and another naked.
>Post here the one with underwear and upload the naked one to imgur.
>Links to imgur should be direct. Don't link to a imgur page, use the direct image link.
>Use some vectoring software like Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop, Gimp, etc. Avoid using Paint.
>It is not required to make the edits barefoot. By the way, every good work is much appreciated.
>Requests are marked with a "/r/" in the post subject.
>If you tell someone you're willling to take some request, finish the job you lazy faggot.
>Your first edit will probably suck. Don't give up. Listen to the comments and keep trying.

Tip for requesters:
>Be patient. It takes a while to complete a picture.

Post, share, edit and enjoy!

Imgur Album:
543 posts and 176 images omitted

Semantic Error

No.28981657 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Semantic Error is about a low life hacker trying to scrape by in a futuristic Equestria.
Recently Cold File has finished a Job for a mysterious client only going by the Name Wintermute, who had File steal information on an experimental medical procedure.
>Bits: 7110
From there he has also set up a lunch date with his landlord Tyra and a meeting with two potential clients after his date.
>Mr. Brown -Hacker needed for disabling bank security systems.
Followed by
>Judgment -Hacker needed for breaking into personal E-mails.

Since the start of the date with Tyra they have discussed File's family a little bit about what they like and when we left off Tyra asked what File thought of Princess Twilight.

This is where our story continues.

540 posts and 42 images omitted

No.28965044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Glimmer acute
16 posts and 4 images omitted

No.28186858 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you say "I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash" in your native language (or any language you know)?
76 posts and 23 images omitted

My Little Persona Quest: Social Links Are Magic DLC - The Forgotten Nightmare #2

No.28858812 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Myriad Worlds" Edition

>>28837521 Previous Thread

An extra chapter in the finished My Little Pony x Persona CYOA.

We only ask that you try not to forget.

The Story:

Incomplete Calendar:


Story Pastebins:

Reader Written Epilogues and Extras:

Lewd Scenes:
542 posts and 124 images omitted

No.28922873 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
These guys smack your waifu's ass, what do?
76 posts and 42 images omitted