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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 194

No.28679149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw not a waifufag
>tfw no ball and chain
>tfw superior mommyfag
>tfw I get to equestria and have a mompone to dote on me and take care of me
>tfw when mompone will call me cute names like sweetie and pumpkin
>tfw she will babytalk me all the time and make a big deal over little acomplishments
>tfw she will kiss me on the forehead and kiss my booboos
>tfw she will protect me, feed me, and clothe me
>tfw never have to make a decision about clothes since mompone will dress me
>tfw no job but still living awesome
>tfw I will be able to play all day with mompone in the park unlike infeiror waifupone
>tfw I will be loved platoniclly and purely
>tfw mompone will teach me all about Equestria via homeschooling
>tfw having a mommypone is objectively superior to having a waifupone

Feels good being awesome.
39 posts and 18 images omitted


No.28611600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

The rest of the team learns that Rem is going to stay with Patches and Mera while they are evacuated. Some had their grievances with this plan, but they ultimately agreed. After this, Rem returns to Mera, seeing that she's grown a sort of "lure" similar to an angler fish. Rem asks if she's able to grow a horn like a unicorn's, however this has a strange effect on her, and while Rem tries to help her, she's given a strange vision. After SeaFoam wakes her back up, they ask if Mint can cook them one last meal as a team. He agrees, and they wait for the food to be done. They eat, and then wait out the last few hours together.
334 posts and 36 images omitted

No.28653863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so which celebrity is gonna be the next one to be shipped with a M6 member?
44 posts and 12 images omitted

EQG Edits Thread?

No.28542509 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
511 posts and 179 images omitted

S6 Finale Part 2

No.28593717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
S6 finale discussion thread #4! The final episode of the season just aired in brexitworld. Get them hot steamin' links down below!!u8kkSaoC!2kYu2A9TjFgVfpGd12rZrtJ-tUjgm8Nog1FzOEqvIN0
490 posts and 86 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.28576718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
622 - P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
Written by Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox

Friends Forever #33 (Applejack and Cherry Jubilee) should be out the 12th. Friendship is Magic #47 should be out the 19th.

Pinkie Pie can enjoy a party anywhere, though she has some preferences on what the parties entail. This does have a tendency to override activities, though; while she figured the purpose of her boat trip was to get her friends to try something silly and fun, she was supposed to experience some new things, too. And when it came down to it, Applejack and Rarity were just trying to do the same as she was. Perhaps they could have used somepony along as a guide.

Previous thread.
555 posts and 252 images omitted

Slave Pony Thread #71

!!HRFGHTfjaR2 No.28541415 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm way too drunk for this edition.

Previous thread: >>28521014
(Archive Link:

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies being enslaved.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

>What kind of themes are welcome?
Most of them are welcome but a select few aren't. These are Fat, Diaper, Vore and Scat. If you're unsure about a certain element in your story, ask me about it and I can confirm it.

>I want to write my own story but I'm new to writing.
Check out these guides: (clop specific)

>Where do the writers hang out?
Head over to with the channel name #slavepone. If you're ever having a writer's block and need advice or you just want to hang out with us, that is the place to go!

Featured Story:
A Deal is a Deal (Applebloom) by twiligh/tg/ame_night
- Part 1:
- Part 2:

Most Recently Completed Story:
Fire and Sky (Spitfire) by Lurkernon
- Part 1:
- Part 2:

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503 posts and 102 images omitted

No.21754821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we get a Lovecraft in Equestria thread?
150 posts and 66 images omitted

Royal Guard Mare - Thread 6

No.28429802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> Royal guard mares
> get your daily dose of guard mare green

Previous Thread: >>28385429

>Some stories

Brave and Vannie - - ongoing
Careful's Charge - - ongoing
Silver Star - - ongoing
Meadow Stockade - Smokefag >>28401317 - ongoing?
Copper Wing - - ded
Anon’s Regiment - - ongoing

"Sir, Yes Sir!" -
Duty Bound -
Anon Pointedly Does Not Get Sex with a Guard -
503 posts and 145 images omitted

Flashing/Exhibitionism Thread

No.28339022 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Made this as a spin off from the Equestria Girls Mooning thread as this is more broad than being just about mooning and would allow for more greentext and discussion

Equestria Girls Mooning: