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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 202


No.27753267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well... This wouldn't be the first time you've done this.

A strange part of you also enjoys this. Some kind of primal urge perhaps? Maybe you're in heat?. Nah. You would have known already if you were.

You continue to give Zecora the " 'ol rub down" lost in the sensations of what you're doing. Not to mention being amplified by her heat.

You guide the hand downward and being to rub her sweet spots.

You seem to be enjoying doing this as much as she likes to be receiving it. The thick stank of sweat and sex is in the air seems to excite you as you rub harder and faster.

Then seeming out of nowhere, Zecora hits her climax. Violently bucking while making muffled groaning noises. Before finally calming down. And breathing heavily through her nose.

She's making a strange action with her hoof.Is she... Beckoning you over?

You approach her side.

Roll for perception

You roll 4

You look at her, she looks like she needed that. Slightly glazed over eyes, very tired looking. Yeah. She liked it. She looks like she's trying to grab you. She barely has the strength to hold up her hooves at this point. You humor her and lean in a little. She wraps her hooves around you and pulls you into a hug.

Awww. She's likes you.

As go go to pull away, you notice some resistance from zecora to let go.

She Really like you?.

You look down at her. Your eyes lock in to hers. And suddenly with a burst of new found strength, she pulls you into a deep kiss.

You must have gotten yourself worked up earlier, because you don't seem to be resisting. You feel her tongue poke at your lips. You let it pass.

You are now deep in a make out session with a zebra. There's something you never would have thought you'd be doing this week.... Or ever... But you seem to be having fun nonetheless. And not to mention she tastes wonderful. Does she chew on mint plants or something?

You finally break up the kiss. A long grey strand of spit connects the two of you.
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No.27691384 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuation from the previous thread at >>27672700

The Sweets Quest Continues!

Here is a little Stats rundown

Cupcakes Eaten = Too Many to Count
Zap Apple Jam Jars Obtained = 1
Ponies Molested = 2.5
Split Personalities Gained = 1
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No.27751276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else think it's kinda sick that unicorns can spend their life studying magic, or have an amazing job. But earth pones have to work themselves to death to get food on the table.
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Age Difference General

No.27720592 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"A new day, a new milf."
Previous Thread: >>27455882

Come in here, all you /ss/, loli, MILF, and cougar lovers! Talk about or write about relationships between characters with a big age difference here.

All the stories as far as we know are on this pastebin.

Want to write for the thread, but don't have any ideas? Take your pick from these:
>Teenager Eris, doing sexy, yet chaotic things to you in the bedroom. Would midly annoy you while turning you on.
>Having sex with the lovely Mayor Mare or Twilight Velvet, each of them coddling you like loving mothers while they rock your world.
>Banging a teenager Harshwhinny, who having no experience, would request that you take the reins for the night. You explain what she should do every step of the way, and relish as she clumsily screws everything up
>Adopting a young Barb, and raising her in a somewhat isolated manner until she was a teen, where you would then buy her revealing attire that she would wear around the house, tempting you unkowningly at every turn.
>Letting Fleur-Dis-Lee "seduce" you, and then proceed to playfully vie for control once in the bed, while neither of you truly gain dominance over the other
>Fun sex with a teenage Pinkie Pie, who's just glad that she's experiencing something new and pleasurable
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Semantic Error

No.27339590 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Semantic Error is about a low life hacker trying to scrape by in a futuristic Equestria.
So far Cold File (File) has managed to scrape up enough money to get him by for at least a week and has taken on another job.

Current job.
Your target is the Bio-Dyne research data server. You are to obtain all available information on lot 1474 and erase it from their servers. I will send someone to pick up the information once you've obtained the files.
Once again it's 5000 bits once we get the files and an extra 2000 if they don't know what happened.
We appreciate your help in advance,

Currently you have this information from 4 emails used by Bio-dyne employees.
>[email protected]
Melody is a 32 year old unicorn mare. Currently not in a relationship. She posts a lot of pictures of her pet guinea pig named Daisy in various clothing.She also periodically posts small poems. According to the information you've gathered she has her doctorate in biology with a minor bio-engineering.
>[email protected]
You find no information on this individual.
>[email protected]
Paul is a 28 year old male griffin. Most of what you find is pictures of him in various nice parts of the world. He is married with 4 children. According to his profiles, he works in file management.
>[email protected]
Slide Rule is an accountant, 38 year old earthpony mare that seems to have been in 4 relationships in the last 6 months. She has a lot of profiles on various dating sites and seems to enjoy going to clubs with her friends, Sapphire shores' music and movies about animals, as well as trying "anything new".
You also managed to Access Bio-Dyne's employee services via Slide Rule's account. Which made you want to target Paul because his job may grant him access to the files you need.

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MelodicPony Passes At Age 27

No.27727601 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It seems MelodicPony, creator of pony orchestral suites, has passed away at age 27.
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No.27693554 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.

Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

Previous Thread: >>27653509
Current Drawfagship Thread: >> 27680573

The OP header image(without text) and all other images from previous drawthread can be found in the

A list of all the drawfags who post as anonymous be found in there
512 posts and 171 images omitted

No.27671768 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ill do it. you know I will.
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Subjugation Saturday #6

!4R8Wmm8FBA No.27618234 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>27540057

>What is this thread about?
This thread is centered on stories about ponies being enslaved. Every kind of theme is welcome.

>I want to write my own story but I'm new to writing.
Check out these guides: (clop specific)

>Where do the writers hang out?
Head over to with the channel name #slavepone. If you're ever having a writer's block or need advice, that is the place to go!

Useful Links
Recommended Stories for New Readers:
ALL Slave Pony Writers and Stories:
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503 posts and 99 images omitted

No.27638225 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wow, did Trump hated on his episodes or something?
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