Previously on Night Delivery, you had started your second night and had just seen a massive spider-council.
Catch up here: glance over at Pinch with a look of concern. “Uh… Pinch? What do we do here?” Intrepid deliverypony you may be, but this is a little bit out of the depth of the sort of thing that you’re used to. Pinch however, is standing solidly and doesn’t react at all. Her wings are flared out and you see etches criss-crossed across her wings in gold, a brighter hue slowly creeping up their length, filling in the entire pattern. Meanwhile her face is stuck in a vicious grin while she stands there.
The spider swings a leg out, and at the apex of its swings, the leg detaches, a long line of the vermin flying out and flying towards you. It disintegrates in its arc somewhat, but as the beasties draw nearer, the world around you starts to change, and at once you’re in a massive web, looking much the same in its shape as the street before you, but dark, with webbing everywhere. The swarm of spiders starts to crawl up at you and clammer to get onto your body.