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611 - Flutter Brutter
Written by Dave Rapp
Friends Forever #29 (Rarity and Maud) is storytimed here!
Mr. Shy is retiring, but he put in some good years to the factory, and he still seems to be in good health. If necessary, he could probably step into some positions and put his experience to good use, but there's nothing much wrong if he just enjoys life with his wife free from responsibility for some time. Maybe he'll explore a hobby. Or travel! Things'll take a bit of getting used anyhow. Have the Shys met any parents from Ponyville or Canterlot?
Previous thread.
Written by Dave Rapp
Friends Forever #29 (Rarity and Maud) is storytimed here!
Mr. Shy is retiring, but he put in some good years to the factory, and he still seems to be in good health. If necessary, he could probably step into some positions and put his experience to good use, but there's nothing much wrong if he just enjoys life with his wife free from responsibility for some time. Maybe he'll explore a hobby. Or travel! Things'll take a bit of getting used anyhow. Have the Shys met any parents from Ponyville or Canterlot?
Previous thread.