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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 204

No.25919305 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post pony pics like this one
69 posts and 39 images omitted

No.27115556 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why doesn't Hasbro just hire fans to write for the show if the current writers suck?
69 posts and 4 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 29

No.27135582 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Previous Thread:

>Emerald takes a nibble of the strange corn, and then takes some of the food back to the Outpost.
>Emerald goes to the church to explore it.
>It's got some creepy stuff inside it.
>Emerald takes a candle and a bag he found, and also he a key he found by taking off of a body in a coffin in the basement. He also finds an odd book.
>Emerald goes upstairs and sees a reception area.

Continued in the next post...
602 posts and 37 images omitted

Flutterrape - 26/2/16

No.26575413 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her hoofsteps and attempt their own versions of >rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are lighthearted stories about the ponies failing in their comical attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (Pie, AiE, etc) about story content before posting.

Author List:
Request Bin:
Add for Skype: flutter.priest

Old thread: >>26401089

Thread Archive:


>How do I start writing?
Writing these stories is very easy. Write in the second person and preface your lines with ‘>’. This is what turns normal text into greentext.

Writing Guides:
502 posts and 166 images omitted

as a furry

No.26269314 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Do you guys think there Will be a season 6 episode about cadence's having her baby?

No.25641319 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
23 posts and 4 images omitted

No.27059831 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What a fucking faggot.
45 posts and 13 images omitted

Party with WhoovesAnon

!tr.t4dJfuU No.19775259 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The king of PTS has returned!!


Add me on Skype.
It's time for a WhoovesAnon Wednesday faggots!
26 posts and 15 images omitted

Dirty Work (Thread 14)

!!JDi3b7b+nWX No.27027238 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the story of a quiet, courteous and organized mare named Sharp “Twitch" Catalog who made a deal with less than trustworthy ponies, and is slowly patching her life back together with the help of her friendly neighborhood mob operation.

Last time, "Twitch" began work on her latest job for Kismet, catching a policeman named Trip Wire, and Sharp enjoyed a pleasant night with her roommate Tally. Platonically.

Last Thread: >>26960279



It’s coming along, I swear. However, I was lazy this week and got barely any of it done. It’s in a finished state, but lacking the polish/reworking I wanted to give it.

As suggested, we're doing something a little different today.

>Something’s tickling your nose.
>You blow hard at whatever it is, to get rid of it and try to get back to sleep.
>However, the tickle returns shortly, and you huff, begrudgingly opening your eyes to inspect the source of your troubles.
>It’s Sharp’s braid, dangling across the front of her head and brushing ever so lightly against your nose.
>You sigh in mild annoyance and tilt her chin sideways ever so slightly upwards, then flip her braid backwards before returning your hooves around her.
>While you’re awake, you figure you may as well have a little fun.
>You give the mare a squeeze, bringing your chests together for a short moment, and in that split second you rub your chest fluff against hers.
>It’s a silly gesture, one only you’ll ever know about, but it still gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
>With that on your mind and a dumb smile on your face, you snuggle back up with her and prepare to get back to bed.
>Until your alarm goes off.
505 posts and 4 images omitted

Draw Thread

No.26977015 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Please be patient with deliveries.

Previous canvas: >>26940767

The OP header image and all other images can be found in our

A list of all the drawfags who draw here can be found in the
511 posts and 193 images omitted