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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 205

Princess Applejack

No.26851945 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 130! Another big milestone, and plenty of changes to follow it!
305 posts and 20 images omitted

Reversed Gender roles Equestria

No.26997320 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
509 posts and 121 images omitted

Confessions Thread

No.26992607 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Conffess right here right now.
I've never liked horse pussy, I find it to be disgusting. I fap to humanized and anthro though.
153 posts and 28 images omitted

No.27006063 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many of you fuckers are from eastern europe?
3 posts and 1 image omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.27003667 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
603- The Gift of the Maud Pie
Written by Michael P. Fox & Wil Fox

Friends Forever #27 (Pinkie Pie/Granny Smith) is storytimed here!

Every pony has their own story, and that means Manehattan has more stories than most. An average day might already be interesting enough before intersecting with a couple of sisters preparing for a gift exchange! It just may be difficult to tell without walking tales back to see their beginnings and ends. Of course, lunch can just be lunch, and oversized piano playing can be oversized piano playing. There may always be more, though - even with kite flying! Whomever winds up managing Rarity For You would probably learn a few of those tales.

Previous thread.
635 posts and 221 images omitted

No.27002362 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuckable Eight
26 posts and 8 images omitted

No.27000032 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
44 posts and 31 images omitted


No.26994592 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Feels thread

All pics, greens, and comics

No tears, only dreams now
195 posts and 114 images omitted

Princess Applejack

No.26966812 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 131! For all of your needs for Apple fun!
502 posts and 29 images omitted

No.26969799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Update coming tonight, 7 o' clock UK time.

Stay tuned.

42 posts and 12 images omitted