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Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search is working again!
>"HI Nonny! I have a message for you from Rarity!" >Pinkie sticks out her chest, puts on a spiteful face and adopts a familiar yet certainly made-up accent >"I've had it up to here with Sweetie Belle spending her evenings at the arcade, playing... "video games". When I said she needed a male role model, well, Anon isn't what I had in mind. He's so carefree. And lazy. And boyish, and reckless. Not to mention he thinks he's SO good with kids. I can make Sweetie laugh." >Pinkie crosses her arms and huffs >"I could make her laugh until she cried. I'm just busy. There's no time in my schedule for telling childish jokes to my sister." >She huffs even louder >"And what is WITH his hair? Frankly, it's embarrassing. Spending time with someone of his... standards... is undoubtedly bad for Sweetie." >... >"Anyway, he's waiting to pick her up at her piano lessons. Be a dear and relay this to him?" >Pinkie spins around and walks five feet before tensing up >"Oh, but take out all those mean things I said. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings." >Pinkie nods her head and beams in satisfaction with her accurate retelling >Then her eyes bulge
Alessio Cavatore is now writing a My Little Pony RPG, and has officially admitted to being a brony. Thoughts? I'm probably gonna get banned for even posting this, but this is just as much /tg/-relevant news as it is horsefaggotry
You guys are fucking awful. Truly the cancer of the internet. I watched your fucking show and it's shit. It's a show for little girls. "The show has adult references" my sweaty ass it does, it's like Shrek without any creativity. "everypony" instead of everybody? Are you fucking kidding me. I watched 3 episodes of this fucking show and it was a waste of my time. You are all autistic and trying so hard to fit into something so you put yourself into this niche category so you can feel special. You're not fucking special you're just lame. You're all really fucking lame.
This show is no better than Barney or the fucking Wiggles. You are so fucking autistic it hurts. It pains me that there are so many of you faggots.
At various points throughout season 1 and 2 we've seen two particular sides to Twilight come out from time to time. There's the crazy obsessive side (Lesson Zero, It's About Time, etc.), and there's the flared temper side (Feeling Pinkie Keen, A Canterlot Wedding, etc.)
Now that Twilight is a princess, do you think we'll see these aspects of her personality in Season 4? Or do you think she'll be written to appear to have grown out of it?