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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 206

No.27321079 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
48 posts and 11 images omitted

No.27300572 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Explain to me why you think this episode is bad, without using the word "cringe".
245 posts and 18 images omitted

Submission is Mandatory #81

No.26906614 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are we safe from the cleansing? edition
Previous Thread: >>26802143

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.

A few topics that are discouraged are NTR, vore, scat, and other similar themes.

>Featured Story

Untitled Cadance CYOA
Cadance and Shining Armor have been having difficulties lately, both with their new marriage, and about who should be the primary ruler of the Crystal Empire. Things come to a head when Luna sends a rather strangely worded letter.

New Pastebin list of all stories:

Old Pastebin list of all stories:

>SiM wiki page:
Don't think you have what it takes to write a long greentext? Go here and fill in the pages!

Historical Note:

This thread was originally founded to support the “Submission is Mandatory” story by MrNameless. While the story has gone on hiatus, it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.

Submission is Mandatory by MrNameless (Recommended)
Nightmare Moon summons Anon to defeat the EoH. In return, she grants him ownership of the Mane 6.

(Non-Canon SiM Expanded Universe Stories)
Octavia POV (Recommended)
Other Stories -
193 posts and 46 images omitted

Dirty Work (Thread 15)

!!JDi3b7b+nWX No.27162898 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the story of a quiet, courteous and organized mare named Sharp “Twitch" Catalog who made a deal with less than trustworthy ponies and is now slowly patching her life back together with the help of her friendly neighborhood mob operation.

Last time, Tally had fun at her new job and met a trio of new friends. Meanwhile, Sharp was off having a blast questioning a couple of uncooperative police officers.

Last Thread: >>27027238



Finally finished Lewd: apologies if you find it sub-par for the delivery time
509 posts and 10 images omitted

My Little Persona Quest: Social Links Are Magic #2.22

No.20506839 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>>20445414 is kill

General thread for ongoing MLP Persona quest/cyoa/whatever you want to call it, as well as relevant horse, persona, and horseona pics/discussion.
508 posts and 121 images omitted

My Little Persona: Social Links Are Magic #2

No.20505952 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the Velvet Room.
To come to Equestria, you have had to discard your true self.
You must embark on a journey where you will form new bonds with others, through which the true self will be revealed.
We only ask one thing before you join us.
That you accept full responsibility for the choices you make.
For ye chooseth this fate of your own free will...

Current Pastebin:


>You turn around and see the orange-err, apple horse from yesterday.
>”Applejack? Why she’s right in front of ya! Don’tcha got eyes?”
>You scream internally at the elderly mare, but your murderous rage is quelled when you get a good look at AJ.
>Something about her really seems different from when you met her at the castle.
>Perhaps it’s the fresh sweat from a hard morning’s work causing her face to glisten in the sunlight.
>She seems so confident and strong, but also feminine and graceful.
>It’s as though she gained 10 years of maturity and experience the moment she stepped back on to the soil of her farm.
>You briefly recall spike mentioning about how every pony finds something in their life that they were “meant to do”. You thought it sounded like an absurd fatalist platitude at the time, but right now…
>You wouldn’t have any doubt if someone told you that this is what Applejack was born to do. In fact you’re sure of it.
>Or maybe she’s in heat and your pony body is picking up crazy horse pheromones. Who knows?
>AJ gently prods you with her hoof. “What’s the matter? Cat got yer tongue, sugarcube?”
“OH Hey AJ, I’m hungry. I mean… I’m anonymous. It’s me.
“Twilight gave me the horse necklace.”
“I am still hungry though.”
>”Horse Necklace?” AJ looks down at your neck. “Ah, I see. Some kinda spell. I thought you seemed familiar. Go ahead an’ take that silly thing off. Apple Family will take you just as you are, thank you kindly.”
28 posts and 14 images omitted

No.27263240 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just curious. What's your opinion on bat ponies?
43 posts and 17 images omitted

AnonDad in EQG

No.21990849 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"D-dad, can you tell me how make friends?"
515 posts and 195 images omitted


No.27147743 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>"But what if she says no?"
"It doesn't matter honey, remember that one stallion that came with his mother to the prom"
>"Mom, that was Joe, he has the story of every girl she dates, every one gets her dougnut punched"
"...What does that mean?"
>"I... really don't know, but i'm still nervious about all of this"
"Don't worry a thing honey, i have the guest that she will come to you and all will go ok?"
>"Do you really think that mom?"
"Of course i do honey, but just remember, it's just a dance. Have fun, dance a little, Everything will be fine"
>"Oh, i love you mom"
"I love you too honey"

Momlestia (Motherly Celestia stories, writefags and others...)



Blue Feather:




Celestia unbirths Anonymous:

Freud would be proud: (CYOA)

Celestia breastfeeds:

Ten years
513 posts and 253 images omitted