An eternity ago, you were banished to Tartarus, along with all the other monsters that threatened Equestria. Problem is, you weren’t anything more threatening than a confused, violent human in a strange land. During your stay in Tartarus, you’ve managed to befriend Tirek and a projection of Discord. Flash forward to the present, and your latest escape attempt allowed Tirek to get out, and he’s currently wreaking havoc ala the season 4 finale. However...Twilight’s on to you. She’s in hiding, and the only ponies who know where are the Princesses who banished you in the first place. The Princesses that Tirek made sure to dump on your lap.
Will you force the location of Twilight out of the three magicless alicorns? Will you convince them that, should Tirek lose, you don’t deserve to spend eternity in Tartarus? Can you pull any of this off before your sordid past catches up to you?
Archives: backstory: we last left off, you had rescued Cadance from Forlorn Hope, a Changeling who claimed to be your daughter, and wanted to drag you kicking and screaming back to your psycho ex-girlfriend. During your interrogation of the little bug monster, you discovered Hope could read minds and then proceeded to make her cry.