Quoted By: >>26304887
You guys are fucking awful. Truly the cancer of the internet. I watched your fucking show and it's shit. It's a show for little girls. "The show has adult references" my sweaty ass it does, it's like Shrek without any creativity. "everypony" instead of everybody? Are you fucking kidding me. I watched 3 episodes of this fucking show and it was a waste of my time. You are all autistic and trying so hard to fit into something so you put yourself into this niche category so you can feel special. You're not fucking special you're just lame. You're all really fucking lame.
This show is no better than Barney or the fucking Wiggles. You are so fucking autistic it hurts. It pains me that there are so many of you faggots.
This show is no better than Barney or the fucking Wiggles. You are so fucking autistic it hurts. It pains me that there are so many of you faggots.