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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 211

No.26304804 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You guys are fucking awful. Truly the cancer of the internet. I watched your fucking show and it's shit. It's a show for little girls. "The show has adult references" my sweaty ass it does, it's like Shrek without any creativity. "everypony" instead of everybody? Are you fucking kidding me. I watched 3 episodes of this fucking show and it was a waste of my time. You are all autistic and trying so hard to fit into something so you put yourself into this niche category so you can feel special. You're not fucking special you're just lame. You're all really fucking lame.

This show is no better than Barney or the fucking Wiggles. You are so fucking autistic it hurts. It pains me that there are so many of you faggots.
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Twilight Thread

No.11800508 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Nightly Twilight thread.

At various points throughout season 1 and 2 we've seen two particular sides to Twilight come out from time to time. There's the crazy obsessive side (Lesson Zero, It's About Time, etc.), and there's the flared temper side (Feeling Pinkie Keen, A Canterlot Wedding, etc.)

Now that Twilight is a princess, do you think we'll see these aspects of her personality in Season 4? Or do you think she'll be written to appear to have grown out of it?
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No.26753072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
she likes big
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Horse Quest: A Lewd Adventure - Thread 5

No.26611698 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome back to Horse Quest!
Last time we had just made a deal with the gooey devil, and as expected had copious amounts of sex!



> Loading Horse...
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Night Delivery CYOA #3

!!2qm1O2B/V9+ No.26503183 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previously on Night Delivery, you had started your second night and had just seen a massive spider-council.

Catch up here:

You glance over at Pinch with a look of concern. “Uh… Pinch? What do we do here?” Intrepid deliverypony you may be, but this is a little bit out of the depth of the sort of thing that you’re used to. Pinch however, is standing solidly and doesn’t react at all. Her wings are flared out and you see etches criss-crossed across her wings in gold, a brighter hue slowly creeping up their length, filling in the entire pattern. Meanwhile her face is stuck in a vicious grin while she stands there.

The spider swings a leg out, and at the apex of its swings, the leg detaches, a long line of the vermin flying out and flying towards you. It disintegrates in its arc somewhat, but as the beasties draw nearer, the world around you starts to change, and at once you’re in a massive web, looking much the same in its shape as the street before you, but dark, with webbing everywhere. The swarm of spiders starts to crawl up at you and clammer to get onto your body.
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CYOA - Just Another Day Ch. 27

No.26582610 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Ponyville seems to be a hotbed of excitement these days. Between the dragons roosting in the mountains, horrid monsters wandering out from the Everfree Forest, ancient ruins discovered deep in the earth, and the ever-presenting of all-out war between the Equestrians and the Gryphons, it seems like everypony looking for fame or fortune is flocking to this town.
>It is an age of knights, adventurers, dark magics, and destined heroes.
>You are none of these things.
>Your name is Pot Luck, and your daughter's just been foalnapped!
>Are you enough of a bad-ass stallion to rescue her from the clutches of a corrupt, possible even evil, Royal Guard?
>Hell no! But that's why you brought your friends along.
>Unfortunately, while in transit to Canterlot, you've become separated from the rest of your friends.



Inn floorplan:

List of Supplies and Upgrades:


Special thanks as always to our artist, No.35

>You've just been rescued from the top of a Canterlot tower by a rather helpful town guard, whose already confirmed a familial relation to the Royal Guards in Ponyville.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"
>You shower her with your gratitude, giving her a big hug.
>"Think nothing of it, just doing my job," the guard insists, gently easing you away. "I don't suppose you mind explaining how you wound up there? We're not going to have more ponies raining from the sky, are we?"
", I hope not. I mean, I'm not entirely sure how I wound up there either."

What do you tell the guard? And what shall you do about finding the rest of your friends?
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Worst Pony

No.26713167 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we please petition to get rid of this fucking abomination. I fucking hate her and wish they would kill her off in the worst possible way, like seriously, some game of thrones shit and then have her never spoken of in the show ever again.
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!lLgai.dPso No.26689698 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's play THREE games, /mlp/!
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No.25802787 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>listen to 2 years of /mlp/ pissing and moaning about the show going downhill after season 3
>just now watched seasons 4&5 in the span of a week
>enjoyed the show so much I tear up at the end of every episode
>Friendship literally became magic
>fucking loved the episode with Troublehooves
>totally fucking loved the entire situation with the CMC's earning their cutie marks
>cried like a bitch when they turned the roots of the Golden Oak Library into a chandelier for Twilight
>in stead of running the show into the ground when the main characters almost fully developed, the writers decide to give them the hardest, most rewarding challenge to face: helping others develop as well
>people are not happy with this

I guess some people just earn their cutie marks in whining like a bitch.
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Welcome Back Milk Way!

No.26704186 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In light of the recent rule changes, let us all welcome back Milky Way, and what finer way of doing that than discussing on how her role would be pivotal to the production of Ice Cream in Canterlot.
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