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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 213
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So tell me what you want, what you really really want.
>>26537850 >this fucking retarded Anonymous
>>26537874 Wait, you're not actually telling me you thought no one got it until that one guy explicitly finished the lyric, did you? Wow, that's really sad.
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>>26537896 >implying not >not saging Anonymous
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>>26527798 Watch some TED talks on happiness, some of them can be quite insightful:
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So what is it with this season's horrible design choices? Teal streaks, bushy eyebrows, screechy dumb voices, meme factors. I wouldn't be surprised if G5 makes the ponies have potato faces and noodle hooves.
>>26510085 >uptight Umbridge bitch Isn't that the entire point of her role in the premier though? Conservative, yet pleasant and sweet at first, but has a vicious mean streak beneath and a personal vendetta going on against the world. Both wanted to suppress and silence others to maintain their image, except one was working for the government, and the other was running a cult.
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>>26511111 quints confirm it
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>>26511384 Stop promoting copy pasta. Umbridge gets fucked by the centaurs in the end, while Starlight gets forgiven for all her crazy shit(messing up the timeline 100 times for being a selfish bitch).
And even then Umbridge deserved ten times more hell throughout the entire movie for how annoying and a disgusting commie she was.
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>>26510214 >>26510214 Yes she does, you unfashionably autistic retard. Of course what would an ugly faggot like you know about beauty. You wear hipster glasses, enjoy fatlards, diapers, think MLP is a good show. You suck cheese dick.
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Doesn't Twilight having that group of Canterlot friends sort of retcon her whole "no friends" backstory? I mean I can buy Shining Armor because family is usually different, but her Canterlot friends? Was it just that she never understood friendship even though she had it?
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>>26502115 That's what they wanted to show off? Because what actually happened is that Lyra and Twinkle didn't give a shit and only wanted her wings. Twinkle was a snarky bitch in the first episode. Lemon Drops didn't even talk. Mooncancer was an ungrateful shit who is incapable of having friends.
All while in the above context Twilight keeps apologizing and blaming herself in a more forced doormat acting than Fluttershy.
This isn't bad writing. Family Guy is bsd writing.
This... this is ass-backwards(ironic) autism writing made by mental retards for retards.
>>26504159 Hit a bit too close home there lad?
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>>26504590 Shut up, Fluttercunt. You're worse than Mooncancer. At least MC isn't a main character.
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What does /mlp/ think Fluttershy's vagina smells/tastes like?
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i want to flutter inside cum
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>this whole thread My dick is diamonds.
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Absolutely amazing
Her daddy made her do it.
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>>26444388 If repeating numbers you keep it forever
>>26444341 Oh baby, you make daddy proud.
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toasting in ebin bread
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>That vacant, uninterested look. What would you do if your waifu wasn't happy with you anymore?
>>26426581 I shouldn't be surprised that immature manchildren would be here, too. I guess you'll never understand. Sorry, anon. Go back to enjoying your ponies, okay?
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>>26426228 "Remember kids, Red Ribbon Week is that time where we make sure to drill it into your heads that using rugs is a bad bad thing!"
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>>26425736 Well, not positive, but more compasion and empathy.
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>>26426704 Just kill yourself my man, or stay miserable for the rest of your life. With attitude and views like that no wonder you'd like that sweet embrace of death.
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IT WAS ALL A RUSE YOU ALL FELL FOR IT You are too easy, /mlp/.
>I'll tell ya what I'm gonna give ya, Anon. >I'm gonna give ya to the count of 10 to get your lyin', greasy, fat, no-good butt out my front door before I pound your guts full of hooves.
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>>18859980 Jokes on you getting kicked by ponies is my fetish. Do it again baby, harder this time.
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>>18859980 U gonna get murdered by superior human technology
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>>18859876 Awesome! Normally Rarity wants 25 bits for this.
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Other people play my account .
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Appliance ponies, browser ponies, food ponies, etc. Wouldn't it be nice if all inanimate objects were ponies.
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>>26400025 >reason to put a dick Strumstar Hammer !TY/6VlPVC2
>>26396419 >As you are about to enter the kitchen, you notice the light is already on. >Furthermore, one of your other appliance ponies, a toaster, is up and busy trying to intimidate the stove. >For the benefit of the text, said stove is not a pony-stove, just a regular old stove. >But there the toaster pony is anyways, glaring and threatening it in a low voice. >Intrigued, you decide to eavesdrop in on her little thing. >"-ou may think your king kick-ass around here with your multiple ranges and built in light, but I'M his favorite, you got that?" >The oven does nothing in response, because it's an oven. >"Good, good..." >Satisfied with her through intimidation tactics, she returns to her customary spot on the counter-top next to the electrical outlet, smug as all get out. >And then she notices you standing there, and quickly changes her disposition to that of an innocent who's done nothing. >She even does the fucking whistling and everything. >"O-Oh, hey, Anon, I'm not doing anything. Just being a toaster, and not intimidating the other kitchen appliances to assert my status. Nope. Not at all." >Well, with a convincing argument like that... >Fuck it. "If you say so."
>You go over to the fridge and start rummaging through it. >Hmm, there's a bagel in here. >That'll do quite nicely, you decide. >You take out the bagel, grab a plate, and then take out a knife from the drawer of many utensil-type things. >A bit of slicing later, you have two halves of a bagel. Strumstar Hammer !TY/6VlPVC2
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>>26400168 >You bring the stuff over to the toaster pony. "Hey, you can toast bagels, right?"
>"I dunno, but it probably wont hurt to try. After all, worst case scenario, the bagels don't fit, right?" "Okay then, let's try it."
>So you insert the bagel slices into the slots on her back, and twist the knobs on her flank to set the toastyness. >With bated breath, you push down that leaver thing you don't know the name of. >And then you realize you are putting way to much suspense into this. >You're toasting fucking bagels, it's not like she'll do something interesting, like explode. >And then she explodes. >>26399832 It's okay, other toaster pone is here for
making toasty bagels .
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This thread died in less than an hour. What the hell happened.
Derpibooru is just like North Korea, where free speech is non-existent and you either adhere to the expectations of the admins or you get banned. My artwork does not violate any rules yet they were deleted and I got banned for 2 months. That's equivalent to 1/6 of a year, 1/600 of our life. This is utter rubbish and the admin is clearly an autiatic fuckface. This is why I'm declaring war on derpibooru. Feel free to join the forces of the Anti-Derpibooru Coalition. There is no such thing as being neutral. You are either for us or against us. If you are for us, good. If you are against us and despite all this still think that derpibooru is the best site in existence, you ought to go fuck yourself. And if you go by the name of "Tumblr feminism is a joke", please do humanity a favor and light yourself up on fire. Derpibooru raid anyone?
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Derpibooru is a shit communist site run by retards if you support it ur a retard.
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>pic related Fuck off OP
>>26377875 Oh look, it's yet another "Derpibooru mods are nazis because they dare to ban me for saying dumb shit" thread.
Come on, show us the actual reason for the ban so we can laugh at you.
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>>26378128 Just ignore him and let the thread die. I doubt he has enough fight in him to keep it bumped himself.
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Your name isn't really Anon, is it... Human.
>>23195203 >anthro also get out tripfag. motherfucking special snowflake bullshit.
Poxytron !!C6iBWJJjyZV
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>>23195313 be happy i still post softcore!
Poxytron !!C6iBWJJjyZV
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i guess this thread is gunna get deleted
Poxytron !!C6iBWJJjyZV
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Welp before it does i would like to thank everyone for this hilarious experience :)
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Alan was a mistake. Alanposting was the solution. I bet the Jews stopped us.