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Over a year ago, a very special pony was given a very special gift. The power to change Equestria, and change it she did. Changelings, friends taking new forms, machines and so much more followed in the wake of her ascension, a change none could have foreseen or planned for.
And somewhere along the way, a one eyed changeling came out of a bathroom stall, and found himself in a world that he no longer recognized and had not even yet begun to change.
And somehow, someway, it all started with this.
~~~~~~ >So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?
>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."
Many strange stories have come in the wake of this change, why not add your own tale? It isn't the worst thing that can happen, trust me.
Or perhaps a painting is more your speed? We love those as well, great and small. Sometimes, even the most simple thing says the most.
Or simply make your voice heard. No matter where this voice comes from, we wish to hear it.
Finally, never be afraid to ask if something is confusing, there are always those there to help. They are always there....
Oh my, we've reached the 77th thread? My my... these things pop out from the strangest places, don't they?
>So what is this shit? A CYOA based on the recovery and abuse of magical items that have somehow made their way to Equestria. Don't question the details, do try to think outside of the box, and as always: have fun.
What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy princesses. Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.
Over time and with the involvement of countless writefriends and artbuddies, it has grown into something much greater. One of the longest running conjoinedly written AU stories in thread form.
The whole thing was set into motion with this little gem:
~~~ >So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?
>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop." ~~~
Feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.
If you're more artistically inclined, give a drawing or sketch a shot. Doesn't have to be fancy, so don't fret too much about giving it a shot.
If that's not your style, writers always like getting feedback, so tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.
If you are unsure about what's going on, do not be afraid to ask who a character is or what's happened lately. There's a lot of stuff happening at once sometimes, but we will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.
I made this thread in case FulL R3tarD wants to finish.
Original Prompt:
>Be anon >newest student at CHS >soon become friends with the M6 >have separate classes with each of the six >English with Applejack >Algebra with Rainbow Dash >PE with Twilight >Chemistry with Rarity >History with Pinkie >Cooking with Fluttershy >only time all seven of you are together is at lunch >time goes by, and the six grow closer to you >they pay more attention to you, and seem territorial when you're with two of them >Apple Bloom tells you that the six have developed crushes on you, and have made a competition to see who could get you to kiss them first >the winner gets to go out with you, but she never said what the other five has to do
>You wake up one morning and felt that something wasn't quite right. Then, you heard a knocking at your door. "Big Mac? Time for breakfast!" >Was that Applejack?! Slowly you got up to notice that you were now a horse! >But not just any horse, you were Big Mac! >How did this happen? Should you play it cool trying not to panic and see if you can find someone or somepony that can help you? >As you made your way to the dining table, you couldn't help but notice a strange feeling between your legs. >"Holy shit, is that my dick?!" you thought to yourself as it unsheathed and dangled as you walked nearly touching the floor. "Er...morning Big Mac." said Applejack and you noticed she was staring nervously at the ceiling with her eyes darting quickly back and forth between it and your rather impressive manhood bobbing up and down. "Granny! Big Mac's doing it again!" said Applebloom as she tried to keep her focus off you. "Dagnabbit! I thought we talked about this..." you could hear Granny muttering to herself. "Hurry and eat your meal boy! You have work to do!" >You walk towards the table to your spot with a plate full of food and soon realized you just couldn't eat properly in this new horse body. "Uh...Applejack? Does Big Mac seem a bit weird today?" asked Applebloom who noticed you were getting food everywhere. "Hush and eat your breakfast Applebloom." said Applejack as her face made a worried expression at your odd behavior.
It's been a while since Big Mac was ever able to make a sizeable impression on his family. He knows they love him, but with all Applejack's been doing for Equestria of late, and the family just growing up and out - he's been overshadowed. Of course, all he can really do for it is his best, but in his dreams... he's capable of so much more.
>Hello Sir, I am Sister Shimmer. When you sleep at night, do you sometimes feel a power SITRRING inside you? Do you find yourself asking questions about this feeling? Yes? Well it's because you want to believe in something else, isn't it?