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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 216

Dazzling Thread #147

No.24355683 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Taco Hell Edition

All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!

Story Pastebin/Archived Threads:

Art Compilation:

For aspiring writers:

Old Shattered Gem: >>24278615
510 posts and 188 images omitted

Girl's Night Out

No.26044506 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

There's a stream where a bunch of pegasisters talk to each other. We can use this to observe the behaviour of pure young girls and make informed decisions when interacting with them.

I even heard someone mentioning they're ex crush. Talking about BFFs and stuff.

Silver Swirl's voice is so fuckable. Damn.

Fimfiction thread: 2016 edition. Now with 40.5% more tropes!

No.25986245 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Double OP, reviews, Nyx is well written, Foundation in Equestria, aka Encyclopedia Equestria, the Literary Losers' Lodge, bumps are banned, 2012 edge and letting our thread die.

See, I told you banning bumps was a bad idea.

Tired of the same old 'Human goes to Equestria to fuck his herd of underage waifus' formula? Burnt out after reading that Fallout crossover? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

Introducing, the FiM-Fiction Starter Kit (list of winners): (embed) (embed)

List of nominees by category:

>Need a somewhat average writing prompt?:

>how do I write fanfiction?

>Riffs & Reviews:

>Voiceguy's readings:

>Prompt of the Week: Encyclopedia Equestria

Do you want critique on your story? Post it on Google Docs with inline comments enabled.

Old thread: >>25970763
499 posts and 50 images omitted

Coltquest Thread 16

No.26031482 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


>Emerald is fucked by three zebras.
>Emerald gets to take a bath and eat some ice cream.
>Emerald learns more about Goat Magic.
>Emerald goes out to hang with Ruby and ends up watching a puppet show with her.
>Emerald and Ruby return to Joyride's for dinner.

Story continued in the next post...
616 posts and 47 images omitted

Spitfire Thread 2.2

No.26026017 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here's to a new thread for our favorite wonderbolt, and pony.

>Current writefags:

Soviet Toaster

>Current drawfags:
506 posts and 164 images omitted

Plane Ponies #73

No.26015798 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
384 posts and 125 images omitted

No.26005741 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Haha, you faggot can't even stand a hit from a girl! What you gonna do now, fuckboy? Cry?! Fucking nerd!"
518 posts and 128 images omitted

Daring Do and the search for Santa Claus

No.25996143 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets get this book finished /mlp/.

We still need a lot more posts so fell free to add.(Just make sure it is involved in the story)
Drop box
23 posts omitted

Coltquest Thread 15

No.25984187 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


>Emerald activates the strange machine he finds while playing with Joyride's keys.
>It seems to reveal a past where a filly Joyride was a mail carrier, and raced a rival to a village. The filly Joyride seemed surprised at being able to teleport.
>Emerald goes to bed after watching that memory, and the next day Joyride informs him that she got him a passport, as well as the potential clients for another one of his "sessions".
>Emerald asks to have all three at once, much to Joyride's delight.
>Emerald reads for a bit, and then decides to go find some food.
>While eating a kebab in the fountain district Emerald comes across a pony named Ruby.
>Emerald saves Ruby from a stallion that Ruby stole from.
>Ruby shows Emerald something "interesting".
>Ruby is revealed to be a reverse trap.
>Emerald makes a new friend!

Story continued in the next post...
550 posts and 53 images omitted

How Far Will One Anon Go?

No.20707955 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The time: 9:48 pm Friday evening
>The Place: TCIFridays, your usual booth

>You are Anonymous, a human (insert gender here) resident of Equestria; more specifically, the lower-east side of Manehattan (lower cost of living, good restaurants, not much more crime than any city back on...Ee-yarth? Anyway...
>You've been living in Equestria for about 5 years now. Looking back, it was a pretty rough start, but thanks to (insert waifu/husbando name here) the time just flew by. Before you knew it, you had a stable income, a bomb-ass bachelor/bachelorette pad, and you had finally asked you long-time crush on a magical first date. That was 2 years ago, tonight.
>You feel for the small box in your pocket, and smile a bit to yourself. Tonight is THE night.
>But it's can't shake this feeling that something isn't right.
>'s 9:52...and you were supposed to meet at 9:00 on the dot. isn't like (insert waifu/husbando name here) to be this late without calling.

*Ring ring*
>Ah, there we go.
"Eh, I was wondering when yo-"
>"Your special somepony is safe...for now, Anonymous. If you want them to stay that way, you'd best do exactly as I say..."

0- Break down the CMC clubhouse, and burn the remains.
1- Kill one of Fluttershy's animals and place its head in her bed.
2- Burn down Twilight Sparkle's library.
3- Rob the Sugarcube Corner Bakery during the lunch rush.
4- Break into the Carousel Boutique and cut all the dresses to ribbons.
5- Set fire to Sweet Apple Acres, and shoot Winona, the family dog.
6- Poison Princess Celestia.
7- Poison Princess Luna.
8- Rape Rainbow Dash, and break one of her wings.
9- Frame Zecora for theft/murder.
Dubs- Pay exorbitant ransom
Trips- Wait, you recognize that's...!!!!

Can you do it Anon? For your pone? To your pone, if the roll is particularly bad?