Anyone who ever heard of Dakari King Mykan around here?
If not, there are a few videos giving you the information about him on youtube.
The nutshell is, he is an 28 year old autistic loser from Canada, who hates MLP because it reminds him too mcuh of the fact he has no friends, is a loser and so on. So he decided to make a revenge fic against MLP that became "Starfleet Ponies", a fanfic SERIES now spanning over 4 "seasons".
So now the guy is asking for readers input in what shall happen in season 5.
Especially if he shall Cadance suffer a miscarriage or kill Shining Armor. The miscarriage thing by the way is done to piss off some woman he knows who suffered one.
You can decide and tell him what you think about it all here: