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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 218

No.3898918 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sad Story Fic

"The Beginning"
Once upon a time...

There lived a dove in a castle in a country where green and warmth prevailed. The dove had been taken care of by a princess since she found the young dove injured in the castle’s garden. The dove was injured so badly that he felt like his wings were about to be torn off. The pain was all over his body and he could do nothing, but lay himself on a leaf bed. It was the princess who saved him. She carried him into a small cage, which was hanging in a window in the corner on the house. Despite living inside the cage, he was far from frustration.

The princess always gave him close attention and the scenery through the window was wonderful. More importantly, he could enjoy watching every move she made. Having recovered from the injury, he became healthy enough to jump around inside the cage.
14 posts and 5 images omitted


No.25786718 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Besides clopping your faces off, Do you guys ever take the shows friendship lessons and apply it in real life?

Alchemy CYOA Thread #16

No.25611490 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
701 posts and 96 images omitted


No.21776957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Please be patient with deliveries.

Previous canvas: >>21756840

The Unfulfilled /r/ List is made at around 300 posts into the thread.

The OP header image (without text) and all other images can be found in our

A list of all the drawfags who draw here can be found in the
541 posts and 174 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.25717192 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Episode 525: The Cutie Re-Mark Pt. 1
Episode 526: The Cutie Re-Mark Pt. 2

Written by Josh Haber

Draw prompts return!
>Draw pony, or any other creature, integrated into modern/near future society.

Perhaps Twilight's demonstration may have held slightly more initial weight with Starlight if the timeline alteration had had more immediately noticeable changes- like Nightmare Moon triumphant, or the war with King Sombra- but the wind-swept desolation still lent some gravitas. Something caused it in the myriad permutations of past disruption, but what? There wasn't anyone around to explain it, and the only cause Twilight was interested in preventing was the first change that enabled the rest. It might have been useful knowledge, though - even if the history isn't the same, presumably the cause is still technically possible in her own life, and that's certainly something she'd prefer to prevent.

Guess she'll just have to keep on the ways she knows how and trust in the power of friendship.

Previous thread.
693 posts and 249 images omitted

No.25584372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Twilight gets stuck in a time loop
15 posts and 1 image omitted

Cute contest

No.25695181 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I dare you Bronies to find something more cute than this.
63 posts and 38 images omitted

draw thread

No.25662871 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Please be patient with deliveries.

Current Drawfagship Thread: [Currently Inactive]

Previous canvas: >>25653404

The Unfulfilled /r/ List is made at around 300 posts into the thread.

The OP header image (without text) and all other images can be found in our

A list of all the drawfags who draw here can be found in the
646 posts and 183 images omitted

No.25682366 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did your mother explain sex to you when you were teenager?
60 posts and 17 images omitted

No.25224756 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Battle fic
>Unicorns are walking slaughter houses
>Masters of all , can decimate entire armies with a single thought
>Pegasi are bombardiers
>All can somehow achieve sonic rainbooms easily
>All seem to be as fast as a modern fighter jet with the maneuverability of a humming bird
>Earth points are cannon fodder with no other purpose than be killed

>Writer doesn't realize applejack' accent isn't that thick and over annunciates her dialogue

>Everyone is darling
223 posts and 33 images omitted