>>22669201For me, it's the fact that vectors are almost fractals, in the sense that no matter how much you zoom in, it's the same.
They're wholly and perfectly lossless, whereas even the lossless raster files, like .png, become pixelated at some point. A 800x600 .png will have only 800x600 pixels, no matter the zoom. Vectors, however, can be 400x200, but could seem to be over 4k when zoomed in. They're equations, limited only by the screen or your eyes. They're infinitely smooth because of this, while rastered files are individual pixels.
It's this infinite smoothness that I find attractive.
And sometimes even fall in love with. Not the kind of love in the sense of romantic or sexual attraction, but in the sense that at some point, we've all fallen in love with the show.
This smoothness is also the reason that vectors aren't the same on paper, because printers work in pixels, and hands aren't capable of drawing anything truly perfect. You can't zoom in on a piece of paper like you can a .ai, or other filetype that supports vectors.
As for good vectors, all true vectors are beautiful. The rest is simply preference on how sharp of a curve you want, and what color.