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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 231

No.22684496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do y'all think about this shit

No.22658717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Name a weird fetish you learned about here but with you hadn't

balloon fetish
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No.22858908 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lets have a Maud thread.
366 posts and 152 images omitted

No.22859010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>If you get into this fandom, you see all the great content and shit, you make a general overlook of the MLP r34 and you go... "That's fucking cancer"
>What is that? What is that shit?! There's some weird anthro shit, hooves and anatomy that bends in a weird way, and it's fucking gross!
>And I know the porn is getting bigger, but why is it getting bigger? Why do people keep fucking drawing these cartoon horses having sexual engagements constantly? What's this all about?
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animation studios and comics writers

No.22161183 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last time on Getting Shit Done.
We were talking about crowdfunding an animation studio or a bunch of writers and comic artists to kick IDW in the face.
Creativity Kitchen appeared and showed some of their animations.
Many lols were had over figuring out the budget for FIM which was 273k per episode, 216 dollars a second. To which everyone responded bullshit - that has to be the entire production for sound department, voice actors and other stuff aside from animators.

Now I'm thinking of how much it'd cost to animate a Piece Of Pie, the fancomic.

A good fanfic can also be a good contender for a comic series. First comics then animation, it's more fail-proof that way.
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No.22811086 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Adorable gifs from the show thread?
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No.22820662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this so arousing?

Five Nights at Pony's (CYOA)

!!aboXdS00Vng No.20913653 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>You are Anon
>Basically, you're poor as shit and need a quick buck to pay your rent for the month
>Out of luck you find an ad for a pizza place that'll get you 120 bucks a week
>Seems easy enough
>You give them a call and the manager said a position just opened
>He seemed a bit nervous
>Oh well, maybe he's just overworking
>What could possibly go wrong?

Welcome to a new CYOA. If you wanna join, just lurk until a post is made where you can make a decision.
521 posts and 56 images omitted

Miss Eri 'the Emo Pone' thread 6: You Are (Not) Alone

No.22608953 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"I've always felt alone anon."

She's a girl who feels depressed, who feels defeated by both herself and the society that surrounds her. Despite the sunshine that she bathes in every day, she can see nothing but a hollow, grey landscape. The figures she walks amongst every day seem to her to be both so close as to be claustrophobic, yet so distant that they might as well be on the other side of the planet. She is a beaten, broken, emotional wreck of a pony.

This is essentially a toned down version of her poetry

Finished stories
Eri and Grafitii Artist Anon:
Ongoing stories
Old shattered memories: >>22442050
Misc:'From Malady To Misery...: VOL. I - A Miss Eri Soundtrack For The Misunderstood And Withering'

'From Malady to Misery...: VOL. II - I Enjoy Cocks in my Asshole

'From Malady to Misery...: VOL. III - Quit staring, you fucking pervert...
507 posts and 218 images omitted

No.22735482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ghost mode thread.
1 post omitted