Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Look what just arrived in the mail. I'm not the kinda guy who openly shows his power level,but this time I made an exception. Should I open it? its not a metre long horse dong
This thread is for the posting, sharing, and discussion of anything 3D mlp. Feel free to ask questions or provide feedback and critique, preferably the useful type.
>What program do I need? Well, these models are made with Blender. ( SFM ports are on the to-do list. Be patient. >i-is it really that easy? See Q&A/FAQ >Ok, how does one use Blender? Look at CGCookie or Blender Guru for the best tutorials.
>be me >senior year of highschool >girls i crush on get into mlp >join bandwagon cuz it seems fun >love the fanbase, love the show >defend it with life like a cringy retard >stop being interested in girls that watch the show >stop being interested in the brony edm, have fully migrated to the real EDM scene with friends that produce really great music >almost all of the pony youtube channels I have subscribed to have died off >year passes >forget about the fandom entirely >season 5 starts >some youtubers and facebook pages start posting pony content again >forget i used to be obsessed with the show >think to myself "what kind of weirdo would watch this show?" >mfw
>Be Pinkie Pie >today's the day for the big talent show >you've been practicing all week, and are really hoping to impress everybody >especially that cutie Anon >soon, it's your turn to go on stage >you've been practicing a special dance routing that's sure to knock 'em dead >tugging your skirt up, you make your way on stage >after you introduce yourself, you begin your dance routine >halfway through, you think you feel a breeze >but the crowd seems to be paying attention, so whatever >once you're finished, you see that about 80% of the crowd has their phones pointed at you >at first, you're not sure why, then you feel the breeze again >then, someone from the audience holds up your skirt, and the people around start laughing >it's ok, if you lost your skirt, at least you still have your pant- >you remember >you slept in this morning from practicing last night, and rushed your routine >you forgot your underwear >everyone's now looking at your 'special somewhere' >desperate to try to fix it, you tug your shirt down to cover it >but that was a mistake, because your shirt tears off, revealing your bouncy boobs >you want to run off stage, but the situation pins you there >so now you're frozen, naked, and desperately covering yourself in front of the entire school
Welcome to the Wardrobe Malfunction General! Here you can write or draw about any girl or woman in EqG who you think deserves their undies exposed. You can also continue any green or comics from previous threads on here. Some of us discovered that there is far too little good Wardrobe Malfunction art on here or Derpibooru, so us Anon and Registered User alike have come to fix that. Don't forget to bump when necessary, and enjoy your stay!
Summoning holy trinity writefags. Old battle >>22376027
Original prompt: >"Anon, I...don't know if I should ask this of you, but I fear that desperate times call for desperate measures. The Griffons, the Minotaurs, and the Diamond Dogs have already conquered our allies in Saddle Arabia. The Crystal Empire is facing internal turmoil. Equestria stands alone. Humans are well versed in warfare. We need a weapon to change the outcome of this terrible war. Please, will you help us?"