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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 243

No.21561761 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you a G3 pony?
8 posts and 2 images omitted

No.20724112 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
the last person to post in this thread's waifu will become real.
720 posts and 252 images omitted

No.21551516 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread: >>21529506

Should /mlp/ become a NSFW board?
Share your opinions here and vote.
69 posts and 20 images omitted

3D Thread #12

No.21435279 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This thread is for the posting, sharing, and discussion of anything 3D mlp.
Feel free to ask questions or provide feedback and critique, preferably the useful type.

3dAnon's EQG Models:
Rainbow Dash:
Sunset Shimmer:
Pinkie Pie:
Nude models and other models are linked in the pastebin.

Next up, animating Awesome As I Want to Be.
Livestream for the EQG model progress:

>What program do I need?
Well, these models are made with Blender. SFM ports are on the to-do list. Be patient.
>Ok, how does one use Blender?
Look at CGCookie or Blender Guru for the best tutorials.

Last thread:

515 posts and 107 images omitted

NaOH's thread #9

No.21497642 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Don't you get it Anon!? I HATE you! I think you're a disgusting pervert! Don't you understand that I will NEVER want to go out with you!?"

"This will do the trick" edition.
Last thread.


On the last Thread:
The truth behind everything has been revealed ,but Anon has made it out alive, now all we need to do it's to spend some time with our favourite Principal and her sister after school.

>What will happen to the Formal Norman now that the storm it's settled?
>How are Sunset's new found feelings going to affect the whole situation?
>Holy shit, How are they going to finish their History proyect now?
>How could Anon fuck this up?
Here you can find out.
519 posts and 178 images omitted

Hair and Hugs

!!JpRgBFMoejY No.21019246 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Old thread:

>What is this?
A non-clop Anon x Adagio story with Aria and Sonata shenanigans.

>Non-clop?! That's gay!
Yeah, sorry about that. But there's hair washing and silly humor! That's fun, right?

>Why don't you take this to the Dazzling general?
I would gladly do so, but the majority of anons reading this story wanted it to remain in it's own thread. But, if this thread can't sustain itself, I'll go to the /dzg/ and continue to update the pastebin.

>I don't like EQG, and/or I don't like the Dazzlings.
I'm sorry to hear that. I do plan to write a pony story eventually. Hopefully, you'll be able to enjoy it.

>Where have you been?
I'm really sorry about leaving like that. Lots of stuff came up. But I have some time to write again.

>Where are we in the story?
Some drama, near the turning point. After that, happy times again.
269 posts and 69 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.21484730 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Friendship is Magic #27 (Root of the Problem 1/2) is due Jan 28th (Wednesday next week).

What's up for this year of Power Ponies? A grand, sweeping epic arc of unsurpassed proportions, or will there just be some new villains and potential new allies for the daring ponies? Spike's looking forward to finding out, at least. Still, it's just one series, and there are a bunch of other comics waiting, too. He seems more inclined to find the beginnings first before jumping on the whole serial train - guess established canon's pretty important to him. Either that, or Twilight's just really drilled sequential learning into his head. He's not exactly the student she is, but being an assistant means he can't help but glean some knowledge in passing.

He should probably get on reading that Hearth's Warming present, too. She did seem really excited about this title. Something to do with zebras.

Previous thread.
775 posts and 252 images omitted

No.21488747 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't like shipping but i clop to mare on mare porn. Am I sick?
135 posts and 61 images omitted

Princess Applejack

No.21405993 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
One year ago, a series of different stories started with an Alicorned Applejack dealing with Equestria's problems. From there, simple comedy vignettes grew, and became a whole world. There have been arcs, new characters, ups and downs of all kinds, and it went to places none would have ever dreamed at the beginning.

And somehow, it all started with this:

>So, wait, why am Ah a princess again?
>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free healthcare I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

Check out the pastebin for a full archive of all the stories so far:

New and want to get caught up on the story? No worries, we have a wiki to get you up to speed in a flash! Characters, art, and arcs, the whole shebang!

Try your hand at writing a story! Who knows what might happen?
If you're more artistically inclined, give a drawing or sketch a shot.
Like or didn't like a story? Tell us all about it.

New here? Don't be afraid to ask who a character is or what's happened lately. There's a lot going on and it can be intimidating if you're not up to date.

Thread 57 has sprouted from the ground. Within its branches are the fruit of what has grown over one solid year, and it's quite a sight to behold.

Thank you crazy /pa/ls, it's been a crazy ride, and you all made it worth the trip.
500 posts and 44 images omitted

Applejack' Ripped Pants, Part 3: Unfinished Writefag Edition

No.21450557 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>H-hey anon,
>Do you, uh...
>happen to have any...spare pants?
>Why? Cause...uh...
>well, I found some old jeans at the bottom of mah drawer, and decided to wear 'em to school.
> ah admit, they were a bit tight.
>but when ah bent over to pick up mah pencil...
>I, uh... ripped my pants.

She turns around, showing the backside of her pants slip wide open, exposing her pink panties

>please let me borrow some shorts, anon. Ah can't let anybody see me like this!

She's practically begging at this point
What do?

Old Thread: >>21438370

I started a new thread because no one was updating the last one, and the writefag needs an ending
16 posts and 3 images omitted