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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 250


No.20755817 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's time again to roll and see which willing waifu you get to sex... but this time we're doing it tag-team style and with no hooves on the chart!

The last two numbers of your post (XY) determine the two characters you get.

X = top row, Y = bottom row.
461 posts and 66 images omitted

No.20545591 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can anypony hack into this website?
52 posts and 12 images omitted

colt cuddler #137

No.20661783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This time let's not have the thread die
517 posts and 199 images omitted

No.20730149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
. . .
17 posts and 6 images omitted

Princess Applejack

No.20667911 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Feelin' like forever ago this all thing sprouted up. Was so simple at the start, wasn't it? Ah' bugged Celly about somethin' wrong with Equestria, we'd talk about how there weren't two whole brain cells full o' competence between the whole of Ponyville, Canterlot and the Crystal Empire combined.

Remember how it all started?

>So, wait, why am Ah a princess again?
>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free healthcare I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."

Came right outta nowhere, but Ah' thought that'd be the most of it.

And then that buggy nuisance showed up with her whole hive in tow, and a'fore ya' knew what was happenin', princes were gettin' deposed, robots were invadin', parties were turnin' into warzones, giant monsters were gettin' let outta their cages and stompin' through the world, and Ah'm not even gettin' started on Partyland or this here recent mess.

We've been through a lot, ain't we? Met some new friends, got us some new foes, found out some shockin' things buried right under our noses, turns out there's some crazy stuff out in that ocean, just kept discovering a whole lotta things about this here big world. Everyone's got a story in here, turns out. Big or small, they've all got a tale, and Ah'll be damned iffin' all of 'em ain't a bit special in their own ways....
525 posts and 27 images omitted

No.20450788 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Damn it! I've been refreshing every day waiting for the next part if Maneiac Depressive! What happened to the beautiful green!
276 posts and 23 images omitted

Vore Thread- Villainous Delights Edition

No.20635499 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
60 posts and 16 images omitted

No.20644532 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Don't mind this thread. Nothing going on in here.
396 posts and 230 images omitted

No.19999903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Get time.
39 posts and 17 images omitted