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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 252

No.19965693 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How about some real life?
31 posts and 8 images omitted

No.19904431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sharia law hits ponyville. Your reaction:
26 posts and 14 images omitted

Venerday 14-09

No.19726457 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Venerday 14-09 "Edizione se ce la fanno i tedeschi ce la facciamo anche noi"

Sembra che oggi i thread in altre lingue siano tollerati su /mlp/.....
Se ci sono abbastanza anon potremmo provare ugualmente ad invadere mlpchan, cosa ne dite?
24 posts and 11 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.19672176 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Friends Forever #8 (Flim and Flam get all their relationship mended with help from Granny Smith) storytimed over here!

Now that her "rivalry" has been cleared up, Trixie should no longer feel obligated to surpass Twilight Sparkle as a unicorn or anything silly like that. It's not as if there are many magical resources available for study, and even if there were, that'd just take time and effort and practice. When Trixie could be wowing ponies across Equestria right now, too!

Besides, she'd have to become like a double princess now to go beyond, and that's just a silly idea. Right?

Previous thread.
876 posts and 251 images omitted

No.19622496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Venerday 2

Ok ok contatto i mod di mlpchan....

Comunque apriro' il venerday anche qui nelle prossime settimane...tanto per non darla vinta ai mod (e per informare gli altri anon del cambiamento)
16 posts and 8 images omitted

No.19551665 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like all the brony sites out there are lacking in content and things to do . I want to build a site for bronys with a chat feature as well as other stuff as a hangout place for bronys to chill then go to all the cons this year and hand out buisiness cards with the web address and we can all congregate. Post some ideas as to what i should include in the site. The chat feature is relatively easy to do so your suggestions will most likely be implemented .
2 posts omitted

Roseluck thread

No.19449460 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Because last one died too soon
131 posts and 93 images omitted

No.19469354 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
see this. wat do?
10 posts and 4 images omitted

Anon in Equestria Thread# 1003

!!YnnDOwczQiW No.19316202 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old Thread: >>19243035

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No.19242349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Applejack has a lot of threads up now for being a background pony.