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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 254


Anon's Junior Year at Canterlot High #5

!xlagsEpyuQ No.18962504 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New song:
>Anon, you should just do it.
>It's not worth continuing onward.
>You've officially been fucked out of everything.
>It's your own damn fault, too.
>Nobody did this to you.
>You should have remained calm under the circumstances.
>You should have considered him as a human being.
>You're an inconsiderate bastard, too.
>You're no better than he is.
>The taste of the metal is sullying your mouth.
>You pull back the hammer.
>Your mind's been made up, Anon.
>Go meet with your little sis.
>She'll be there, waiting for you on the other side.
>You know that's bullshit, though.
>You know that you'll just turn into worm-food and fertilizer.
>You wanted a better life...
>You would've done everything differently.
>You could have changed the present.
>How can you change anything if you're dead, Anon?
>How can anything get better?
>It can't.
>Can't get worse either.
>You finger the trigger.
>Your phone goes off in your pocket.
>You don't really text or call anybody.
>You wonder who it could possibly be.
>You put away your weapon, for the moment.
>It's Pinkie Pie.
9 posts omitted

No.19157928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
AJ's mom has got it going on.
I dug up her grave after searching so long.
I know that she's dead,
But I still want her in my bed.
I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with AH's mom.
6 posts and 1 image omitted

Pinkie Pie Appreciation Thread

No.7561 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Because of obvious reasons.
250 posts and 249 images omitted

No.18826770 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Ponies smoking weed.
435 posts and 250 images omitted

ITT: Cosplay thread

No.18794621 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Godd cosplay, preferably.

No.18863071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /mlp/.
I wanna writefag a little.
But what kind of pairing should I do?
4 decides.
16 posts and 1 image omitted

Main 6 fetishes, cast your votes

No.19127541 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are you cloppers favorite fetishes, and for which of the mane 6.
Rainbow Dash- gangbang,
etc, etc.
gonna draw me some r34
pic unrelated
5 posts omitted

No.19297387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is Twilight's mom such a MILF?
16 posts and 11 images omitted

No.19116980 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Please make it canon, Hasbro

>implying hasbro would ever come to /mlp/

Moth Pony General #56

!!m+cpZJtV+Qp No.18982717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the moth pony thread!

All Moths and Moth stories welcome. Contributions are appreciated; no lore is needed for the stories. Just sit back and have fun with the Moths!

Previous Antennae Touch: >>18809810

The Dust Bin:
Other Pastebins:

Moth Tumblr:


Wiki (Remember to check it and help keep it up to date!): Http://

Origin Thread: >>>
Last archived thread: >>>

Skype group: Kilbraght
Wikia chat: (You'll need a wikia account if you wish to join us!)
524 posts and 124 images omitted