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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 255

2 days remaining thread #6

No.19118102 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>"When you first came here, you talked to me of tales of your world."
>"Astonishing tales of technology, amazing feats your race had surpassed and achieved."
>"And then as we began to learn of your world's incredible traits, you learned of ours."
>"But something is wrong now, anon."
>"Something terribly wrong."
>"It is... strange to explain anon."
>"Something is going wrong with our magic."
>"And I don't mean our magic, the princesses."
>"Magic in general."
>"Anon... You are a hole."
>"You are a hole here, in this universe."
>"Sucking magic in it, polluting it."
>"A disturbance."
>"At first, it was so small, so miniscule that Luna, or Twilight or I could not sense it."
>"But it's... Growing stronger."
>"And I fear it is a threat to us."
>"Not just us, but Equestria as a whole."
>"Anon... We can send you back home."
>"I had found a way to do it just last night."
>"It will take the combined magic of all the Alicorns to do it..."
>"And I'm afraid anon... You don't have a choice in the matter."
>"You have to leave, anon."
>"But I understand, anon."
>"You have made... Attachments. Special attachments."
>"Strong friendships, and something more..."
>"They haven't been informed of this situation."
>"You can tell them yourself... Or I could."
>"But you must make the decision soon."
>"All you have now is 2 days."
>"What will you do in these last 2 days on Equestria, anon?"

List of stories:

That_Happy_Guy: (complete)

Chempony: (ongoing)

Bash: >>/mlp/thread/S18724985#p18941050
1 post and 1 image omitted

No.18898433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When you read books, do you imagine pony voices for any of the characters?

pic related, it's Fluttershy
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No.19115443 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Intel = Celestia
AMD = Cadence
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No.18963707 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm just gonna leave this here.
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No.18831749 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You awoke to the sight of the sun gently peering through your window
>IT seems as if Princess Sunbutt was but all to eager to get this day started.
>You walked downstairs into the kitchen of your home, only to stop yourself and run back into the bathroom
>If you were going to participate in today's festivities you'd better atleast shower.
>After you've finished your shower you once again head back downstairs into your kitchen and rummage through your fridge
>You spot a freshly baked cupcake idly sitting in the center of your refridgerator
>You know exactly who left it there, but theres no point in really discussing how she gets into your kitchen every morning.
> You take the blue and black colored cupcake and take a seat at your small round table.
> The sun gently painting your walls with their golden light, making your orange creme colored walls almost ethereal in sight
> Enough about sunbutt though, its time to get ready for today. So with a smile you pick up a blue flyer on your table
> While the blue flyer rests within your hands you can't not help but feel giddy about the great war that was last had
> You were the last standing survivor until one of Luna's champions snuck up on you and took you out.
>You think back to that moment as a feeling of both joy and hatred swell up within you. You were going to get that bastard back.
> But first it was time for coffee.
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No.19056363 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ayylien ponies
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No.18712702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We wait...
45 posts and 24 images omitted

No.19214106 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be anon
>have a sister one year older than you
>your sis is Rainbow Dash
>she's 18 and you are 17
I think you guys know the rest
428 posts and 147 images omitted

No.19021740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are able to live with your pony waifu who loves you unconditionally.

Unfortunately she has this ever so slight problem that causes her to change into a giant hostile earwig at random intervals. The earwig is a separate entity from your waifu and will be hostile towards you when it's around. The changes to and from waifu and earwig occurs at random times with no discernible pattern, sometimes remaining in one mode for days on end.

She is also unaware of her problem and thinks she simply goes unconscious when the change occurs.

How do you handle her problem?
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