S4 • E12
“Pinkie Pride” by Amy Keating Rogers
(This episode was leaked on Google Play prior to today's airing. If you've already seen it, try not to spoil ITT!)
An elated Pinkie Pie is planning the biggest and best "birth-iversary" party ever for Rainbow Dash, but when another party planning pony named Cheese Sandwich rides into town, plans change. Soon, everypony is so excited about Cheese Sandwich's party that they forget about Pinkie Pie, but her pride won't let her go down without an official "goof off."
Guest starring:
"Weird Al" Yankovic
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YouTube clips -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYdMV4Irg0Uhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfIrTE_fY-Ehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09m1LBX0Jc0Live streams*:
Brony TV
Equestria TV
* Recommended for optimal viewing.
** Available in HD (720p).
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MLP airs at 10:30AM ET. Convert this to your time zone here.