Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Your friend, Pinkie Pie, comes to you and asks if, maybe, she could have your help with a teeny-tiny, eensy-weensy, SUPER small little problem. One that's going to get bigger. Being Princess of Friendship, you assure her that of course you'll help her.
Pinkie says she thinks she's pregnant.
She thinks it's PROBABLY Cheese Sandwich's, but she really doesn't know, and she doesn't know where he is, either. He travels, after all. And she doesn't know if she should bother him anyway, if she's not certain.
Welcome to WUB QUEST. I am your farcical and comically adept QUEST GUIDE, who also contains slight traces of FAGGOTRY and PUNGENT ODORS. I am here today to bring you on an ADVENTURE.
You are WUB HORSE, or as the common plebeians refer to you, VINYL SCRATCH. Your latest MLG TRAP REMIX has been accepted onto SPINNIN' RECORDS, and you have been summoned to meet with AIDEN JUDEHORSE and MARTIN PONNIX in their office.
Their OFFICE is on the opposite side of EQUESTRIA, and you must get there within a frustratingly restrictive timespan of THREE DAYS. You start in your LUXURIOUS CONDO in PONYVILLE. If you do not make it, you will LOSE ALL FAME and become a NECKBEARD with a MINIMUM WAGE INCOME.
After each post by your QUEST GUIDE, all anons are welcome to suggest a PATH OF ACTION. Various ELABORATE METHODS will be used to determine the path taken, which are guaranteed to be COMPLETELY FAIR and NOT INFLUENCED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
So I went to the Random board and they just told me to lurk more. Where the fuck does one lurk on this site? Anyway fuck it idk. Enjoy this pony she's the best.
> Friendship is Magic ends. > Emperor Faust announces spin-off series. > Fans go ape shit > Emperor Faust announces it will be focused on the CMC and their teenage years. > Butthurt plauges world Post your reaction pictures
This is a thread for ponies who may or may not have too much fluff. Said ponies tend to get themselves into situations that require a surprising amount of death and rape.