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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 35

Early GalaCon thread

No.40287324 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Come one, cum all Edition
Last attempt: >>40255998

Hello Yuroanons (and any enterprising internationals), GalaCon is coming up in less than two weeks, so we should have a chat and discuss what to do and where to go.
If you're still on the fence on whether to come or not, please do! We had a bunch of Anons last time and the more, the merrier. Some Anons may also still be holding untaken hotel beds for latecomers (>>40263385), complimentary >rape included only if you don't want it.
Discuss plans, guests (or lack thereof), panels (schedule when?). Are you going to the maid café? I want one of those plushie maid outfits at least. A shame that plushiecon is cancelled, could we make our own? Gala ball is cancelled, too, are you still bringing your suit? Are you going up on the community stage or just moshing at Prince's concert? Are you going to visit the man on the seapony?

Also maybe we can start making some plans for before- and afterparty and Anon dinner. There's a park/forest area right next to the con building, so that'd be a natural place to hang out before and after (weather permitting). Maybe we can annex Small Alder Island into discount Gallopagos for the duration of the con.
There is an Irish pub close to the con centre, too, Bobby's Irishpub, so we could keep that tradition alive.
There's also a beer garden (Biergarten Schwaneninsel) even closer for that authentic German afternoon experience.
The tannery (Gerberei Waiblingen) is also right at the edge of the park and very well rated, but kitchen only till 20.
Several Italian and a Mexican restaurant in the city centre, too.
502 posts and 108 images omitted

No.40333435 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/mlp/ YLYL
127 posts and 57 images omitted

Growing Village CYOA #7

No.40321486 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread:
>Previous threads but it’s a paste:
54 posts and 4 images omitted

/mlp/ Gmod Server Thread #37

No.40083758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
OLD THREAD: >>40040643

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To make your own pony enter ppm2_editor in the console.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists:
Server status: or
HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps: or (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide:
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content:

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, and Zombie Survival.
499 posts and 161 images omitted

No.40306815 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
29 posts and 15 images omitted

Growing Village CYOA #6

No.40302629 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread:
>Previous threads but it’s a paste:
93 posts and 14 images omitted

AnonFilly Thread: almost as garbage as Rarity Edition

No.27330741 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Thread: >>27226748
>So what is this thread about?

This thread consists of everyone's favorite human, Anon, the only problem is that he's now a cute, green little filly.

>What should I expect?

Fillies, cuteness, shenanigans, and usually a bitchy Twilight.

>Pictures? Pastebins?



>Recent popular stories:
Punch ghost AnonFilly by STAND PROUD

>I'm a writer!
Awesome! Just be sure to link your pastebin to the OP for Fauvra and President Clop to add!
435 posts and 175 images omitted

No.40296734 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would you consider the worst general of the board?
Also post your favorite pony
31 posts and 11 images omitted

No.40211785 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>it's okay when G$ do it
Why the double standard?
299 posts and 47 images omitted

Growing Village CYOA #5

No.40284270 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread:
>Previous threads but it’s a paste:
75 posts and 9 images omitted