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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 45

Mares With Flares #56 - High Impact Edition

No.40103635 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>40090228
This is a thread about mutual sexy times involving herm pones, that means mares with both sexes' reproductive organs.
This thread is dedicated to its own fetish. Posts should be about that first and foremost. Other fetishes should only be posted insofar as they relate to the main one and are not extreme.


No.40093581 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Oh Anon, please impregnate me with your autistic seed! I want your little sperg foals!
143 posts and 65 images omitted

No.40098821 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Oh my god she is so attractive
14 posts and 8 images omitted

No.40096215 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here's your pony animation bro
185 posts and 26 images omitted

No.14200717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I'm thinking of setting up a youtube channel for a bunch of horsefuckers to screw around on.

Anyone interested?
451 posts and 43 images omitted

No.40089354 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I drew a pony
78 posts and 8 images omitted

/mlp/: the antithology 3.0 submission thread #9

No.40037358 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Call edition

Quick rundown
>Under new management
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>The aim isn't to make something flashy and intricately edited, but to put together something silly and enjoyable that expresses your love for the show/fandom. Every Anon is welcome to contribute and have fun, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>All submissions must be in 1080p and should keep their original aspect ratio. Letterbox them when needed. No portrait submissions.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 23rd. 12:00 AM PST

To prevent another Sweet Victory situation, I am opening up a burner email for submissions to be posted privately. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l

>2021 anthology, submissions, and threads:
>2022 anthology, submissions, and threads:
>2023 submission spreadsheet:
>MLP Episodes and Movies:
MP4: DL from Heartshine (ensure you're on 1080p, it defaults to 480p)
MKV: DL from yayponies, iTunes Raw 1080p
>Video editing software: Da Vinci Resolve (Be sure to download the free trial version. Latest versions support MKV.)
>Audio Recording Software: Audacity
>Vocal Remover and Isolation
>Talknet (Visit the Pony Preservation Project thread)

Some guidelines/restrictions:
-No porn
Pretty self-explanatory. NSFW and suggestive submissions are welcomed of course, this just refers to straight up porn images and videos.
-No anthro or barbies
-No politics or fandom drama
This may be somewhat lenient depending on what the submission is, but we want to avoid too much /pol/ circlejerking or submissions that spend time bitching about Twitterfags or the like.
>All submissions must be in 1080p and should keep their original aspect ratio. Letterbox them when needed. No portrait submissions.
>No static image submissions.
>Submission length
Please try to keep your submissions to 1 minute or less. Of course depending on what they are, this one we might be flexible on. If it has a good reason to be longer than a minute and doesn't drag on, it should be fine.

>G5 inclusion
lol. Is there even any content to use? If there are any submissions, they will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
536 posts and 102 images omitted