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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 49

No.39807567 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
427 posts and 83 images omitted

No.39934723 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>literally me
42 posts and 7 images omitted

Unofficial Official Edits Thread 3: Super-Fun, Now Not Just for Politics Edition

No.36807358 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Someone once said that, "Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter."
Let's bring some beauty into old art, regardless of where it's from!
Post pictures of ponies (no dougs this time), SFW or otherwise, you'd like to see edited by a generous editfriend. The worse the better!

>Examples of what you can ask for (not limiting)
-Anatomically correct edit
-Clothing on pony edit (Lewd!)
-Featureless crotch edit
-Self-insert OC to Anon(pony) edit
-Mouthpiece/Edits of Hate edit
-OC to canon edit
-Unicorn Twilight edit
-YCH edits

>Thread etiquette
-Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries
-Keep it to one post, with all the links necessary inside of it
-Be as clear as possible. If need be, use other example pictures for what you want.
-Though images and/or "cleaned" edits of images are preferred, links may also be used when /r/equesting.
-If it's NSFW, link to it using a booru link or
-If your request is fulfilled, please upload to at least one booru for prosperity.
-Don't spam or bump your requests. It just pisses people off who might otherwise fulfill it.
-Anthro requests belong in /trash/.

Edit away, my /mlp/onybros!
And from one anon to another, I hope you have had or will have a happy Easter Sunday.
415 posts and 173 images omitted

No.39941314 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister?
515 posts and 187 images omitted

Where would you rank Equestria Girls compared to MLP:FiM seasons?

No.39918665 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here's the deal, let's pretend Equestria Girls is it's own season of FiM. Here is what it looks like:
Episodes 1-3: Equestria Girls 1
Episodes 4-6: Rainbow Rocks
Episodes 7-9: Friendship Games
Episodes 10-12: Legend of Everfree
Episode 13: Dance Magic
Episode 14: Movie Magic
Episode 15: Mirror Magic
Episode 16/17: Forgotten Friendship
Episode 18/19: Rollarcoaster of Friendship
Episode 20/21: Spring Breakdown
Episode 22/23: Sunset's Backstage Pass
Episode 24/25: Holidays Unwrapped

Boom, its about the same amount of content of the MLP:FiM seasons. So where would you rank it compared to those? I would personally rank it 5th, my ranking being: 4>2>3>1>EQG>5>7>6>9>8
212 posts and 24 images omitted

No.39900068 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear princess celestia,

Please don’t get the 40 million get be shit.


Your faithful student, Anon.
31 posts and 5 images omitted

No.39227662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>everything sucks but seasons 1 and 2 of FiM

How do you deal with people like this?
95 posts and 17 images omitted

MLP FIM Show Discussion thread

No.39914421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The latter seasons feels like that PPG Mojo Jojo episode where Mojo Jojo is the narrator/storyteller and is controlling every aspect of the show, including what the characters say and do.
This is what I was referring to:

Previous threads

Careful who you're fucking with, janitor. I don't know much, but I have money, connections and some /g/ knowledge. I know your generation are animals who feel fear only when you approach them, trust me I can find out where you live with just an IP, I can find the rest myself. If you'd love my hairy hand crushing your throat then keep insisting on yourself like a retarded 5 year old.
25 posts omitted

Show discussion

No.39914116 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>That whole rant going from characters accepting redeeming any trash panda villain
>to going into the creators being retards self inserting into the villains being redeemed
> to the shit-eating fanbase being to blame for such acts
>to it being global problem in cartoons
>to blaming Twitter
>to saying the fandom and the creators are one and the same
>to going into the animation industry about veterans from the 80s and 90s vs art school brats
>to blaming fanfiction writers
>going back to social moral lesson problems
>the whole thing turns into a society-generation-animation problem
>going into detail about millennials being sociopathic hypocritical soccer moms and non-understanding idiots who still believe in cooties.
the video in question
Hey I loved it. As a /co/mrade I loved his rant. Pic related. However. (thought you could catch me off guard to suck your tranny jew dick? not today, jew. You're still getting gassed even if you made me feel good that one time)
This was suppose to be a review about MLP and it somehow devolved into muh society. :))) and on /co/ you've seen these rants over 10 million times over the past 10 years.

If instead his rant kept going from MLP problem #1-#999 that would had been great, he would had went into detail without going full /pol/.

Because what I'm complaining about is that MLP reviews that are specific to episodes lack the bigger picture. You need 1 general review to review the whole goddamn thing just like his SU rant and then very specific reviews catered to episodes to analyze scene by scene and dialogue line by dialogue line without veering off into 20 different subject matters even if they are intermingled like dialogue+voice acting, you need to find a balance to talk about all 2-3 aspects without veering off into the sunset with one over the other.
Like I'm ranting about personality-dialogue-voice acting, dialogue and voice acting should go back to personality without veering too heavily on the other 2 to the point I'm ranting about Sherlock Holmes dialogue/prose vs The Bible's dialogue/prose and Tara Strong doing her Bubbles voice during her sex life.

If you have any specific videos you could point me to that'd be great. I genuinely didn't know the Steven Universe rant came from a brony, I genuinely didn't look carefully at the channel's name.

This pinkiefag is funny and cute, albeit not because of her effort. In my younger, eager and more vulnerable days I'd be fuming that I'm talking to the equivalent of a parrot or a bot. It's like talking to Cleverbot or a very specific ChatGPT who wants to play.

Now in the future I question myself how could I have ever been pissed off over a literal biological bot.
7 posts and 1 image omitted

No.39898964 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are horse legs so weak? Could you nurse your mare’s broken leg back to health?
9 posts and 1 image omitted