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Welcome to /Mare/con year 2 planning thread #1
>What is /Mare/con?
This is the smaller online winter con that focuses purely on the love for mares. No EQG or Trotcon shenanigans.
>How will this be held?
/Mare/con will be relying on live streams from Youtube or other sites that cytube can support. Pre-recorded videos will be accepted and will be viewed on Cytube during the con. Interactions will and continue to occur in the con threads and/or Cytube chat.
We’ll have the same two cytubes. The idea is the same from last year. Channel #1 is for live-streams and short videos. Ideally channel two will be for the +2-hour live streams and +45min long pre-recorded videos.
>Planning and to-do
Decide on a date, (looking to host /Mare/con in January). Think of a panel and event (You) would like to host. (The sign-up sheet will be coming soon) Looking to have a few anons record the videos and chat. Also looking for a few Cytube mods. Need some PST, EST, and Euro bros. All planning will be done in the threads, and those wishing to participate in the con will need to post updates as often as they can.
If I missed anything, please feel free to suggest it down below.
Good luck and we all look forward to what (you) have to offer.
>Feedback from last year
>Past threads
>What is /Mare/con?
This is the smaller online winter con that focuses purely on the love for mares. No EQG or Trotcon shenanigans.
>How will this be held?
/Mare/con will be relying on live streams from Youtube or other sites that cytube can support. Pre-recorded videos will be accepted and will be viewed on Cytube during the con. Interactions will and continue to occur in the con threads and/or Cytube chat.
We’ll have the same two cytubes. The idea is the same from last year. Channel #1 is for live-streams and short videos. Ideally channel two will be for the +2-hour live streams and +45min long pre-recorded videos.
>Planning and to-do
Decide on a date, (looking to host /Mare/con in January). Think of a panel and event (You) would like to host. (The sign-up sheet will be coming soon) Looking to have a few anons record the videos and chat. Also looking for a few Cytube mods. Need some PST, EST, and Euro bros. All planning will be done in the threads, and those wishing to participate in the con will need to post updates as often as they can.
If I missed anything, please feel free to suggest it down below.
Good luck and we all look forward to what (you) have to offer.
>Feedback from last year
>Past threads