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Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search is working again!
Do people actually like G5? I thought it was a joke at first but now I'm starting to think people might actually like it for real, and I just don't know how that is possible. How could you like something that doesn't have the Mane 6 as main characters?
Good afternoon, my dearest faggots. My age increased today and I have come with one simple request. Post your cutest earth ponies. I want to see cute earth ponies. In particular. I want to see mudhorses living modest lives. I want to watch earth ponies bubble from excitement at watching their gardens grow. I want to see earth ponies frolic in an undulating plain, the grass tickling the most humble form of locomotion that are earth pony hoovsies. I want to see earth ponies carry stuff in their mouths. I want to see earth ponies struggling to use silverware. And above all, I want them to be cute doing it. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
> hello, I'm regular /mlp/-bot > beep boop > i like Twilight Sparkle > i hate g% > i hate barbies > I hate idw > i don't watch any movies, i don't read any books > i watch only mlp:fim all day, but only first 3 seasons > everything after 3 season is not canon > beep beep > if you are not like me, you are troll > if you have different opinion, you are troll > Twilight Sparkle is best waifu > screeeee
Today is Celestia's special day, and /sun/ is past the bump limit. Not celebrating this day is unacceptable. So, let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.
For the folks who are attracted to ponies, what do you think makes them alluring to you personally? Do you like the shape of their bodies and the hooves, tails etc. or is it more about the personality of a particular pony? Do you consider them more physically attractive than humans? How big do you like to imagine they are relative to yourself? Do you have a preference for one particular race over others, and do you like only one or both genders? Also >When you became a fan of pone, and was the attraction immediate? >Your waifu? >Would you move to equestria and pursue a relationship with a pone if you could?
For the folks who are attracted to ponies, what do you think makes them alluring to you personally? Do you like the shape of their bodies and the hooves, tails etc. or is it more about the personality of a particular pony? Do you consider them more physically attractive than humans? How big do you like to imagine they are relative to yourself? Do you have a preference for one particular race over others, and do you like only one or both genders? Also >When you became a fan of pone, and was the attraction immediate? >Your waifu? >Would you move to equestria and pursue a relationship with a pone if you could?