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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 76

Sins of The Brush

No.38692808 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's some art sins that are way way way too common. Which of course means a lot of artists will get upset having to be told these are errors, but these divine truths must be brought to light

>placing the mouth underneath the muzzle, instead of on it (thankfully uncommon)
>when a pony is sitting down like a cat would, with their front hooves on the ground in front of their crotch, I notice their hind legs are often abnormally shortened. it seems like artists instinctively make them not stick out, but this is wrong. the hind legs are long and should actually be sticking out quite a ways past the forehooves in this pose
>an explicit pic with no nipples or teats of any kind. preference I guess, but it is still an anatomical error
>artists failing to understand/care that a horse/pony's ass isn't ACTUALLY an ass for the most part. there is very little actual butt on a horse, it's really moreso their legs. they don't have actual butt cheeks really. it's their thigh. also, you should research where their actual hips are so you don't confuse the legs for hips
>buttplug tails. the anus/tail is very frequently in the wrong spot. remember, the tail is an extension of the spine and the anus is anchored to it because an anus requires solid bone to anchor itself to for the muscles to work.
>vulvas that take up the entire backside. if I am looking at a pony directly from behind, the vulva should not stretch ALL THE WAY from top to bottom. it looks bad if there isn't at least a LITTLE stretch of bare space on the bottom.
>lots of artists seem to not know horses have a bony prehensile part of the tail, or that it is a fair bit longer than you might expect. kirin tails are literally just normal horse tails but balder.
>VERY common: frontginas. oftentimes so far forward they are glued to the teats. I don't accept preference as an excuse, since it clearly stems mostly from ignorance. a horse's vulva isn't placed forward nor does it point forward. pointing it exactly behind is a lot better but imperfect. if a horse is on all fours, the pussy should actually be pointing slightly skyward. it gapes slightly "behind" or upward.
>extrapolating further, consider this: if a pony's teats point straight DOWN, and the pussy points at least 90 degrees from it, pointing BACKWARDS or ideally a tad skyward, then would the front of the pussy reach the teats? it wouldn't, and a lot of artists miss this when ponies lie on their back. in fact yet another super duper common mistake: most poses where they lie on their back SHOULDN'T have the anus visible whatsoever, the tail should block it from view. since artists usually neglect to do this, it causes the vulva to come much farther forward than it actually should, causing vulva and teats to meet each other when there should be a gap.

And possibly the most egregious sin on the list—butt hooves. But let's not have an autism screechfest over it right now. Tell me more art sins.
6 posts and 3 images omitted

Public Service Announcement

No.38694670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a message to all the genuine ponyfags of the board.
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29 posts and 7 images omitted

No.38694434 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what's the deal with you guys getting kicked off of /b/ years ago? Didn't ya'll make chans or something?

Not trying to be a dick, just curious. Also happy monday.
17 posts and 7 images omitted

No.38690460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Enter your bedroom
>See this
>What do?
12 posts and 3 images omitted

No.38693701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The absolute state of /mlp/
4 posts omitted

Public Service Announcement

No.38693669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a message to all the genuine ponyfags of the board.
Do not include the word pictured in the attached image in your posts.
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This message has been brought to you by the FiM Club.
Keep fighting the good fight. This only means you are actually making the modcucks seethe.

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Public Service Announcement

No.38691997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a message to all the genuine ponyfags of the board.
Do not include the word pictured in the attached image in your posts.
It will not let your post through, and will also autoban you for 3 days.
Please use different variations of it, insert special characters such as Unicode, or come up with another derogatory term to refer to the pic related shiteaters.
If you're finding yourself caught in such a ban, you can attempt to reset your IP by power cycling your modem. Clear cookies and cache from your browser before starting to post again. If you're posting from a mobile connection, simply toggle airplane mode to get a new IP assigned to you.
This message has been brought to you by the FiM Club.
Keep fighting the good fight. This only means you are actually making the modcucks seethe.

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If you have disposable IPs and are willing to do some testing, please report your findings.
This message will be posted again in the following hours, to ensure as many Anons from different timezones are informed.

14 posts and 6 images omitted

No.38689154 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Enter your bedroom
>Rarity is on your bed
30 posts and 5 images omitted

No.38674899 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It begins
601 posts and 110 images omitted

No.38686531 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wait what? Roseluck is taken?
283 posts and 107 images omitted