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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 80

No.38644882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we finally agree to ban everything made after G4? It should be pretty clear by now that nothing of quality would be lost.
The shit eaters that want to discuss it can go to /trash/ where it honestly belongs, or just fuck off back to derpi or eqd.
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No.38645978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you defend yourself if your waifu tried to kill you?
1 post omitted

/mlp/ GMod Server Thread #15

No.38643263 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OLD THREAD: >>38562549

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: filename.
Usual playing time is 16:00 ET.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To make your own pony enter ppm2_editor in the console.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon list:
Server status:
CS:S and HL1:S content & maps: (use MEGA links) or

Turbonewfag guide:

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, DART, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Guess Who, Hover Gear Legacy, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Open Virus, Quake 3, SledBuild, Ultimate Chimera Hunt, Sourceforts, Zombie Survival, and Trash Compactor.
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No.38644195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's she gonna pull out of her hat Anons?
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No.38639356 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Drop a first name and a pony. If you see your name you have to jack off to that pony.
Bill, go beat it to Berry Punch.
Optional: If you come back with the pic you jacked it to then you get to go again, but you get to add any one tag of your choosing to your new answer.
61 posts and 33 images omitted

Into the Blue (A GameBoy CYOA inspired by Survival Kids)

!lLgai.dPso No.38582090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome back to the most unexpected tropical getaway of your life!

For those of you just joining us, you are Steelworks Novasurge Breeze Whistle Siren Song the 5th - or 'Nova' for short, great-granddaughter of industry and entertainment mogul Windsor Chime and soon-to-be heiress of his multibillion-bit estate.

Or, that WAS the plan. But then your parents decided to bring you along on a cruise, and on the way back home, your CRUISE SHIP met with a most bizarre and tragic end, its belly speared by mighty stone pillars that erupted from the depths of the ocean and ripped it in twain. The elevator you were on at the time was hurtled into the lower stratosphere, arcing over the horizon and crashing into the shallow water off the coast of a deserted island.

That island is where you've spent the last week, trying to find some sign of civilization and keep yourself alive...

If you wanna know more, you can find the rest of the story so far here:
209 posts and 46 images omitted

Trixie Thread: Trannies Are Welcome!

No.38630489 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A very special thread for /mlp/'s favorite tranny

Post greens and cute pics of our beloved mare!
59 posts and 24 images omitted

No.38636640 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You're really making it difficult for me to become your friend anon.
>Twilight said I should keep trying, but you make it so darn hard.
>Ever since we've met each other you and I have been at odds.
>You never liked me, even after I baked you a nice cake and tried flying kites with you!
>You tell other ponies how much you hate me every single day.
>Last month you kicked me in the flank, the week after that you made fun of me in front of Twilight and last week you pushed me down a flight of stairs!
>I got so mad I wanted to hurt you back, in fact I still do.
>I know its wrong to want to hurt you but thinking about it just makes me feel so good...
>One of these days you're going to push me to my limit and I don't know whats going to happen to you when it does.
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No.38636080 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
On topic pony thread: deleted
Literal tranny bait thread: not deleted
If you post pony content on the pony board and DON'T insert trannies or some other kind of cheap bait in it, your thread may be deleted.
8 posts omitted

No.38629535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OMG I love G5.
47 posts and 16 images omitted