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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 88

/merch/ Thread

No.38631654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"The Great and Proud Trixie" Edition

Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, at the end.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.

=== Main Links ===

+ List of Active Plushmakers:
+ OP Plush Pattern (with instructions!):
+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags:
+ /mlp/ Stickers:
+ 4cc Jerseys, Pins:
+ HorsePussy Books: &

Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!

Previous Thread: >>38559764
3 posts omitted

Canterslut Thread

No.38535789 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sporty sluts and summer sluttery

Check out our new slutty story archive!

Don't like how the new OP looks? Please talk about it in the thread! We strive for your pleasure~

Previous sluttery:
510 posts and 210 images omitted

No.38627178 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kind of lingerie does Rarity wear?
25 posts and 7 images omitted

No.38626408 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Set sails for the Maretherlands!
1 post and 1 image omitted

No.38624420 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
40 posts and 6 images omitted

No.38623398 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think of the current state of the board?
23 posts and 3 images omitted

No.38613102 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is moderation actively ignoring reports for garbage coomer threads like these?
>>38600371 (This one is sexualizing an underage character by the way)
And yet any negative replies to said threads are deleted within hours?
Why is a harmless OC like Milky Way still banned but the above threads are allowed to exist?
Why are anti pony shitposts being ignored?
Reporting doesn't work for anyone but EqG posters. Submitting constructive feedback using the feedback system doesn't work. What else can be done? I'm sick and tired of /mlp/'s moderation pandering to a subset of the fandom that doesn't deserve this board's space, surely there are other fans of pony that feel the same way?
5 posts and 1 image omitted

I like ponies. And you?

No.38587288 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pony thread mentioning cock: deleted
Non-pony thread mentioning cock: still up

Pony thread about modern internet trends: deleted
Non-pony thread about modern internet trends: still up

Arguably low quality pony threads: deleted
Arguably low quality non-pony threads: still up

Completely innocent (and recurring) pony thread: deleted
Non-pony threads: just take a look at the catalog. Yep, always left up.

So, do you like ponies? Looks like someone doesn't.
16 posts omitted

No.38611052 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This was Ponka's best outfit. The retro aesthetic is the best.
101 posts and 17 images omitted

Mares With Flares #37.5 - Wet Dreams Edition

No.38533786 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>38522387
This is a thread about mutual sexy times involving herm pones, that means the full horse lover's combo platter.
Please try to at least tolerate others' differences in taste, and don't go overboard with discussions of extreme fetishes.

483 posts and 67 images omitted