Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 96

No.38442214 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, first day on this board. Just wanted to say how much I love this pony. In an otherwise bleak and miserable life, her cute smile has brought light into my life.
Knowing I get to see her cute face every morning saved me from suicide. I love her. Thanks for listening.
19 posts and 3 images omitted

Tell Your Tale

No.38436189 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1023 posts and 246 images omitted

No.38435795 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.

/glim/ Erudition edition

No.38389740 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens, and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>Magic corrupts
>Fizzlepop Berrytwist as a parallel
>fave pics (honestly it was a very pleasant part of the previous thread even if it's a common topic)
>Preggers Glimmo
>"I love you guys"
>Kelly and her previous voice acting work
>Of Princesses and Goddesses
>best Glimmer ep
>More about Kelly
>Twilight is boring
>Miscellaneous topics
>Tense defusal

Art manifested:
>Peignoir glim
>rocka rolla mare
>Peignoir glim+

Edits conjured:

Gartics minced:
>Gartic Thread
>squatpony glimmer
>glimmer smoking

Pictures taken:

Greens authored:
>Floof & Glimjuice by jrudie

Upcoming glimsode synopsis:
Everypony neighs
A maverick unicorn, student of the gracious Princess of Friendship known as Twilight Sparkle, is about to graduate from her majesty's tutorship.
As her final exam, Starlight Glimmer takes on the friendship problem of Hoof Beats, a young student suffering from fits of rage and mental deterioration, on the verge of losing his last remaining friend.
All previous approaches to handling his case were met with wild contrarianisms and refusal to recognize his own problems.
514 posts and 241 images omitted

No.38426131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>That's what I love about these high school boys, Twilight. I get older, their age stays the same
171 posts and 34 images omitted

I felt too happy, so I made this.

No.38324361 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuation of >>38242991, an ongoing ARG.

See >>38305417 for a quick rundown.
87 posts and 7 images omitted

No.38407628 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I-is she free now?
16 posts and 3 images omitted

Fan Site Alternative Thread #66

No.38373032 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

>Why alternate boorus?
Recent changes to Derpibooru has put its place as the premier location for pony fan art into question. So several new boorus have sprung up to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on

>Why alternate text sites?
Pastebin has begun deleting greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format, so a new home is needed.

>General purpose boorus by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc] by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR] by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66] by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] (They do other stuff too

>Specialized boorus: - Underage - Hot glue

>Greentext sites by PonePasteAnon [!!7JI5LA2h01+] by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] (Pastebin greentext archive)
IAS ( (Text search)

>Video sites

>File sharing

>Latest Developments:
-Anon releases searchable DNP list ( (
-An anon is scraping pastebin links ( (download
-Mediafire rip now available on IPFS (>>36440908)
-Derpy me now filtered, use or (>>36590933)
-Colab notebook for training tagging model (>>36677906)
-Anons share EQ-G filtering tools (>>36663581 >>36686932)
-IAS Anon needs help seeding IPFS files (>>36700329)
-Reminder to backup Fimfiction ( likely dead, some other /mlp/ archives (>>36764936) (>>36764947) (and of course Desuarchive)
- new fluffy site is
-Userscript to hide EQ-G flags (>>36934441) backup (>>>/t/1033260)
-Ponemusic archive is dead, latest torrents (>>37005785)
-PonePaste backup available (>>37012297)
-New FiM website,
-TPA Patreon/Subscribestar to include furry under "Z+ network". dump (>>37346011)
-Userscript to load GDrive resource keys (>>37536855)
-FimFic story filter (>>37512031)
-WiP userscript for offline "accounts" on Philomena (>>37705442)
-PonePaste export (>>37755171)
-Twibooru host issues, moving to new provider (>>37852208)
-PonePaste to become open source (>>37866924)
-YouTube to remove dislikes.
-Philomena adds new search fields (>>37978003)
-Twibooru server migration should be complete soon (>>38065600)
-Updates to NHNB (>>38069298)
-Update to "Horse Score" program (>>38090149)
-PonerPics goes down for a short while (>>38098606)
-Twibooru still looking for help (>>38113999)
-Twibooru on new server (>>38116541)
-Updates to IAS (>>38131516)
524 posts and 54 images omitted

No.38395518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a mighty need to cum inside
10 posts and 2 images omitted