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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 17

/40krpg/ - Warhammer 40k RPG General

No.91203071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rogue Trader Edition

Previous Thread: >>91138706

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Some Splats (DH, RT, OW)

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Curated youtube playlists

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>FFG Forum Archive:

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>40k Art

Thread Question: What does the future of 40k roleplaying look like to you?

Female Wizards

No.91134910 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we stop female wizards not wearing underwear and dressing like sluts?
8 posts omitted

No.91010749 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What RPG is this?
82 posts and 16 images omitted

/A&S/ - AI Art and Slop

No.90627583 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Testing names Edition

Previous Thread: >>90625866

โ–ถ Bonus:

โ–ถ /slop/ prompts & styles
Monster manual
>Highly detailed watercolor concept art, sketches, book page, scientific drawings, text at top of page reading "[Subject Name]", larger central colored image of [Subject Description], [Background description], bookmark, Monster Manual
Tabletop miniature
>A highly detailed plastic wargame miniature professionally painted in bright colours standing on a small base. <Character prompt> It stands on a gaming table.
Tarot card
>stylized <arcana name> tarot card "<number>" written on the top, "<arcana name>" is written, <arcana name> tarot card, colored, <description>.
darkest dungeon style (inconsistent)
>in the style of a character from darkest dungeon. he is in the ruins, facing to the right, heavy shadows. Screenshot of "darkest dungeon" on PC.
Character sheet
>a high quality full-view top-to-bottom D&D character sheet with a small portrait space showing a <description>, name is "<name>", many roleplaying game stat blocks and several scrawled words
classic BnW D&D style
>High contrast. Dark lighting. Black and white pulp magazine illustration 1960's. Photocopy dithering
HOMM1 style
>heroes of might and magic 1 low resolution retro DOS screenshot pixel art
>chibi anime art style

โ–ถ Styles
>oil painting
>acrylic painting
>black&white ink
>*game engine* screenshot
>*decade* movie (poster)
>album cover (genre or decade)
>illuminated manuscript
>baroque/renaissance/dadaist painting
>pixel art
>circa (year)
>Kodachrome (or other film type)
>low quality film (or other film descriptor)

โ–ถ Perspectives
>Eye Level Shot
>Low Angle Shot
>High Angle Shot
>Hip Level Shot
>Knee Level Shot
>Ground Level Shot
>Shoulder Level Shot
>Dutch Angle Shot
>Overhead Shot
>Aerial Shot
232 posts and 152 images omitted

Basedwanger Character

No.90980310 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would you create a based character based on Basedwanger?
>An officer of the Waffen SS, the elite military arm of the Nazis.
>Eh kills untermenschen and doesnt afraid of anything.
>Earned a Knight's Cross, the highest military award of the Nazis.
>Came up with dozens of creative ways to kill Jews, each one enough to bring a tear of admiration to the face of Zyklon Ben.
>His brigade is estimated to have killed 170,000 partisans.
>His symbol, the crossed grenades is still used by Nazi remnants.
>Was given a concentration camp to run. Went above and beyond by exterminating the undesirables placed in it.
3 posts and 2 images omitted

Jumpchain CYOA Thread #5974: Generic Shonenshit Edition

No.91109101 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
853 posts and 137 images omitted

No.91111256 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could a female fighter open a jar of pickles?
2 posts omitted

Red-Pilled Use of Women

No.91080927 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would it be possible for whites to replicate the Skaven's incredibly red-pilled use of their women in real life?

No.91065185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When playing D&D, how are your sessions divided in terms of combat and roleplay?

How importance are encumbrance, time tracking, and other "upkeep" mechanics to your game?
2 posts omitted

Need a non-gay established Fantasy IP

No.91050220 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tolkein is being pumped full of niggers and inundated with Trump metaphors.
Warhammer is being pumped full of women and watering down any old lore that's offensive.
Both are capitulating to trannies, faggots, coomers, and redditors (redundant). I guess anything corporate inevitably will.

Looking for a good fantasy game or IP that's like old Warhammer: mostly real world history with respect to immersion, but with a bit of mythical flare that pushes it to a fun, colorful extreme.